Saturday, February 12, 2011

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yesterday I have a bit in the beans have been because when I posted the same picture as day before yesterday ... I let it stand now, nobody has even taken offense. It was also the Sainte-Chapelle again very pontifical and that is also appreciated. But now back to the Seine.

There is a thing to report today, but I will anyway account in a single subject. Precisely because today is the annual conference in Amsterdam from the Medical Section of the Anthroposophical Society site. This whole event has long on the website of the Anthroposophical Society stated but I have not yet paid attention to time, and that's very unfortunate. Because this conference has a very rich program. So here are the details, which are worth to be held:
'9 .30-17.00 hours Conference Medical Section: The will to commit

The conference is fully booked
about attachment and bonding issues in children and adults

Stitching learn as a child in the first few years of your life. In a secure attachment you're right in your own skin and a deep sense of connectedness, trust and security. This time is not necessarily a secure attachment. There are many factors that complicate. Anxiety and stress include a breeding ground for attachment problems. And when there is violence or neglect in early childhood, the adhesion severely disrupted. Attachment problems can manifest themselves in eating and sleeping problems, irritability and suspicion, fear and vulnerability. In adults, the Marriage and relationship education are suffering. What can we do to make this issue go? What options do we have later in life to achieve a secure attachment? Two speakers reach a comprehensive approach to attachment problems as a challenge of our time. The working groups are different therapeutic options are discussed and demonstrated and can hear it in two working groups and experiences. Karma Theatre will show images that raise questions. What are the possible influences of karma? And we can dare to think? It is the challenge not only to the past karma to watch, but to the karma of the future.

09.30 Coffee and tea 10.00 Welcome
10.10 on attachment and bonding issues: Truida the Raven, psychologist Astrid Singing
10.55 11.10 Schoots
Physiology of the adhesion. What does it mean: incarnate? Edmond Schoorel, pediatrician
11.45 Coffee / lunch 13.00 Working Groups I
14.30 Tea
15.00 Working Groups II
16.15 Karma Theatre, The Seducer Freed
16.50 Closing
17.00 End

Take participated in two different groups. When you register you a first through fifth choice to give up. Learn as much as possible into account. You will receive a confirmation in which groups you are assigned.

Offering groups

1. How can the partner relationship work on the attachment style of each individual? Erik Beemster, system therapist, director Quest.
The way people a relationship reflects the attachment style they have developed so far. Especially under stress, the old attachment experiences that enabled then reflected in the interaction between partners (and family). These affect regulation provides for a large part the continuation and welfare of the partner relationship. How can anyone get a grip on? Literature: Participants receive text preparation

2. Attachment disorders and trauma, Marko van Gerven, psychiatrist.
After an introduction how early trauma in the four-fold man can express themselves, follow a common conversation about the question of how understanding can be developed for treatment of attachment disorders in adulthood.

3. "You see me?" Thea-Huijg Giesen, remedial / psychologist and Marijke de Mare, an art therapist.
In "Do you see me?" Is introduced to a social skill artistic methodology: Art In Contact with Children "(KICK). Using visual art resources, children are addressed their deepest desire to be seen and heard, to appear in the social process, for social artist.

4. Imagination of Connectedness, Hedwig Roorda, an art therapist.
The house-tree-person drawings of children with AD exhibit similar images. These striking images, in which the problem of disorder visible. We look at the drawings of these children and their own artistic as the starting point for the work. The working group will be offered in the first session.

5. A care AD, Martin Niemeijer, MD. Knowledge Centre for Anthroposophical Health
The concept of the anthroposophical inspired and individual-oriented care program outline is discussed in plenary. The aim is to obtain comments and additions: terms of guiding ideas and theories about bonding and attachment problems and on methods of diagnosis and treatment. The working group will be offered in the first session.
Literature: The concept of AD care program is distributed locally. "Anthroposophical oriented individual care programs: why, how and what?" Erik Baars, Anne Ponstein, Martin Niemeijer, Guus van der Bie. Chapter 6: Applied in Anthroposophical Health Care, Leiden University 2009.

6. A safe home, Arie Anne van Kalsbeek, nurse and Martin Niemeijer, MD Solar Houses.
parallel development of attachment to the infant acquires a safe place in their own personal home. Which manifests itself as this process is disturbed and the body-oriented therapeutic and educational tools, we can help restore access to their own physical function. The working group in the second session offered.
Literature: I move quietly and lie still (Arie Anne van Kalsbeek), Solar House, 2008. Adhesion, Marijke Bijloo. Chapter 8 in children with developmental, Van Gorcum Nieman et al 2009, 5th edition.

7. My will is housed in my pelvis. Vally Cornelius, anthroposophical physiotherapist.
The four body-centered or taste senses: touch, life, its sense of balance and movement, according to Rudolf Steiner in our conscious mind can be time conscious. This group is this insightful and practical work. Literature: Karl Koenig: Sinnesentwicklung und Leiberfahrung. Verlag Freies Geistesleben.

8. Colour in the treatment of over-alertness, Roswitha Ockeloen, art therapist and Edmond Schoorel, pediatrician.
Some children are alert, wary. Their living conditions indicate there may rise, but often there is a strong constitutional factor. The breathable mediation between alertness and anxiety can help one color.

9. Adherence Support exercises and games, Micheline Mets, therapeutic play mentor / educator salvation.
A workshop focusing on the practice! Own experience as a basis for experience and learning. Game and playful approach inspired by the four lower senses (Steiner), Thera Play and the work of Bruce Perry.

10. Connect and keep, even if it seems difficult, inthe van Erven, connecting communication trainer.
of contact to do with the feelings and needs of others and with myself, I experienced the other for who they are. I can respond empathically to his or her behavior or the text. That I recognize what the other person lives in and do I connect. Literature: What you find is yours to keep - Jan van Koert (also available as an audiobook).

11. Artistic work with children with attachment disorder, Sil Wallis, art therapist.
We are working on an exercise from the symbol of a bond issue drama focusing on the dynamics between therapist and child. One's own story that takes place in a drawing depth.

12. Music: a bridge between the inner and outer world, Odulf Damen, music therapist / music teacher.
play with simple musical forms, we explore how our inner world with our music, but also can connect. Illustrated with music therapeutic experience in attachment issues.

13. Home - Tent - Temple: liaise with body, soul and spirit eurythmy, Hilda Boersma euritmietherapeut
Joint eurythmy practice and exchanging experience. And with entries like to appeal to the will at various levels.

14. Mindfulness and in theory you work with addicted clients, Bram Tjaden, GP trainer and mindfulness.
The working group will be able to meet with a development model that was developed on the basis of Theory U. Literature: "And now U. Mindfulness and creativity in substance abuse ', published in December 2010 was published by SWP, Amsterdam.

15. "A good child, a sour man, a spirited lady, Djoeke Snijder, dietician.
Quality, a controversial concept. Tastes connect you to your body as an instrument of the soul. Food Quality and spiritual development. We practice and talk and taste.

16. Connect to your destination, Ivet Sevincsoy, sociotherapist Reinke and Chavannes, Bachelor Arts and Cultural Studies, both biographical coach (in training).
How did you "vote" when it comes to bonding and connection problems? What is your base from which you access? Which people, animals or things to make easy connection? What color is it, what image? In this group we look at a piece of your own life from a biographical perspective. So you can clearly know what your relationship is to attach and connect. Would also say something about how you connect with your destiny?

17. Family Habitat for Solar Homes, orthopedagogic prolonged treatment in families, preceded by diagnostic imaging and observation groups, Marloes Krijgsman, ethologist, psychologist GZ io OBC Zeist, Carina van Kregten, ethologist OBC, behavioral VGCt.
The orthopedic treatment of the Solar Homes since 2003 include long-term professional support children need to grow up in a poised young adult. In family forms of housing is key: "Restoration of normal life" (Horst, 1977). In 2005, the observation group "Virgil" was launched. This workshop will Marloes Krijgsman and Carina van Kregten a presentation on the background, principles of and learning experiences in family housing. Also, the observation service groups to the children and staff of family housing types are explained.

18. Mentalizing, the (im) possible task for children with intellectual disabilities? Dinanda Zevalkink and behavioral focus (child psychologist, health psychologist).
After a brief introduction to the theory, focuses on how you can gain insight into mentalizing (diagnosis), how to join a child and could encourage further mentalizing.

19. Differentiation and connectedness in families, Robert Hennik, system therapist.
Family relationships are attachment relationships and family experiences about distance and proximity have a major impact on all other relationships we encounter in life. How does the family of port to set sail for intimate relationships within and outside the family to investigate. This group says Robert Hennik on systems theory, attachment and personal development. In addition to information he introduces experiential assignments related to the subject. Literature from Hennik, Planjer (2008) "Truly a child of her mother" from System Therapy 20.3. This article is distributed to the workgroup.

20. Connect by way of the senses, the Miriam Wildenberg, remedial, Lonneke Winters speech, sensory integration therapist.
The senses allow us to use the perception and sensation in the act to come and so the connection to the body and the outside world to establish. Conversely, an imbalance in the sensory development or sensory stimulation leads to detachment. A healthy attachment is prerequisite for life to go to social connections. A substantive part and sensory experiences offered.

21. Why sit in a matchbox if you know that the universe exists? Danja van der Meer, trainer, Academy of Arts Connection
in the socialization process that each of us goes through, we develop dominant personality parts, which strongly determine our character as a person. (Too) often plays "as it should" and "rightly so" - and your thinking - this one (too) large role. Then we long for it, more free, more rest, more so to enjoy having to have less control, more power to sail. In this group we find the connection with this hidden life forces.

22. Triple bond as the basis for identity: human expert perspectives in attachment disruptions and interdisciplinary perspectives in the therapy. Henriette Dekkers-Appel, psychologist and Ad Dekkers, psychotherapist
The newborn child requires nest heat security, and careful matching of the matching child-feeding in adults. These are certainly familiar principles. Less familiar is the fact that the qualities that a child) can insert its physical basis as an individual, 2) that it learns to match their social environment while maintaining its own identity, 3) and it gets a basic from which it is resilient and flexible as an individual can develop.

23. Meanings of compound in the professional relationship, Karen Wuertz, cultural anthropologist and child therapist.
In this workshop we focus on one aspect of connection: meaning. Discover meaning, assign, accept that there already meanings which you must learn to relate. And feel that you yourself can give meaning to what you meet. A (professional) relationship to provide this material, development is room for both. We practice to develop an attitude that promotes connection.

Useful information
City: Geert Groote College, Frederick Roeskestraat
84, Amsterdam Time: Saturday, February 12, 2011 at 9.30 pm, start 10.00, stop 17.00
Registration: The conference is booked.
Payment: Directly at registration € 80, - (€ 70, - for members of the Anthroposophical Society and € 25, - for students and starters) to account for 9716, Attn Anthroposophical Zeist, quoting CMS 2011 with the name of the participant (s). After transfer, the final notification. Registration in order of receipt. There is room for 400 people.
Directions: Coming by train?. Get off at station Zuid WTC. Coming by car? Take the A10 exit Zuid/S108.

The preparatory group, in consultation with the Medical Section Council, Wim Cornelisse, Buy Daniels, Martin Niemeijer Joukje Pothoven, Ivet Sevincsoy, Truida the Raven, Jaap v / d Road, Zegert de Zeeuw.

The Medical Division is part of the Anthroposophical Society in the Netherlands and the School of Spiritual Science. This annual conference is an interdisciplinary meeting for students and people working in the health professionals and who wish to be inspired by anthroposophy.

Region: Global Access: Public '
Under the given link see:
' Recommended Reading:

Anthroposophical inspired literature:
- Off Niemann "Developmental disorders in children "Chapter 10, Marijke Bijloo - "Attachment".
- "Early care", published book (2008) at Ilmarinen, following the 2006 symposium with contributions from G. Raven and E. Schoorel
- Research Leiden University, Art Therapy students 'imagination of connectivity, how attachment disorders seen in children', article by Hedwig Roorda.
- Quest topper following symposium: "The closer, but how?" (2008). With contributions by M. Niemeijer, J. Meulman, G. Raven and E. Beemster.
- Free Articles in Arts Pedagogic H. Dekkers-Appel (2007) / Weleda posts: V. Cornelius (2006)
- Valentine Cornelius "My will is housed in my pelvis, towards a new approach to anxiety disorders' 2010 brochure

Examples of recent general literature:
- Van IJzendoorn MH:" Education about the border. Attachment, trauma and resilience, "Tree Academy 2008
- NIZW Report (2006): Insecure attachment or an attachment disorder?
- Sterkenburg Paula S., "Stress in intervening. Attachment and challenging Behaviour Effects in Children with Multiple Disabilities ", Metropolis 1994 film
- De Belie Morisse-Red:" Attachment and attachment problems in people with intellectual disabilities ", Garant 2007"


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