Friday, February 18, 2011

My Cat Is Peeing Everywhere


In ' Pioneer ' should I report the death of Nel Lievegoed-Schatborn on 101 years of age on February 4 (two days later I was back in ' Doctor Schatborn ). More than sixty years she was a physician and director of the Solar Houses in Zeist connected. Yesterday I came across an obituary NRC Handelsblad by Wim van der Lans, who eleven days later at age 65 is deceased. Wim was for decades the curative education teacher in school Zonnehuis Veldheim. Perhaps he has never done anything else, I got him at least not different ones. The text of the ad is as follows:
"Light and color in the soul,
Light and color experience,
give more light and colors.

On Tuesday, February 15, 2011 my beloved husband died, so my wise father and dear father
Wim van der Lans
Wilhelmus Peter

Rijswijk, October 4, 1946
Zeist, February 15, 2011

Zeist, Margriet van der Lans-Bongard
Hague, Thomas Lans
Barbara van der Lans-Jonker

Mailing address:
Voorneveld Uitvaartzorg
Attn Fam. Van der Lans
Laan van Beek en Royen 14
3701 AH Zeist

Wim home bier, where Thursday, February 17 from 14:00 to 16:00 and 19:00 to 21:00 hours opportunity to bid him farewell.
The cremation ceremony of the ritual of the Christian Community will be held on Saturday, February 19 at 11.45 pm in auditorium of a crematorium "parlor Daelwijck" Floriadreef 7 (Overvecht) in Utrecht.
Afterwards condolences may be offered in the reception room of the crematorium. "
Wim van der Lans was not a writer. At least I know one of his articles. Which appeared in "The Sampo, Journal of curative education and social therapy", No. 9, Autumn 1990, p. 5-7, and had his own field into a theme. The title is: "What is good teaching material for developing chemical?" It is somewhat specialized, and nowadays you would no longer use certain terms, but on the other hand, press it again so essential from where in the curative education about, and what he wanted, that I'm here in memory of him then add:
"" From now on, I enjoy what delight the heart.
And am blessed with new life.
I am now in my first year;
there is lots to do for that.
To write and draw
with numbers and counting.
God wanted, I saw how the world goes.
And read what is in the books.
And my flowerbed to keep in good condition. "

This is an excerpt from a poem, Kaspar Hauser in 1829 wrote about his first years among men. It is indeed a pure, but also very childlike expression of the emotional life of the then 17-year-old Kaspar.
What we mainly speak is quite obvious want to learn. Kaspar Hauser threw herself with "a great hunger" in the learning process. Which is comparable with any first-class, which first goes to school to learn.

a harmonious learning never expires, it always stalled somewhere, there are always some "obstacles". This is not only in salvation pedagogical learning situation, but a general educational information. In the physical / etheric body of man are impediments to "the real individuality" of the child to their full expression. There is therefore the essential task of the educator / teacher, namely to help the child to physical / etheric obstacles so that individuality is "free" can develop. That much said that all education / training in soil taken nothing to do with the individuality, or rather, can ensure that only those more or less "free" can develop by itself. (R. Steiner: Künstlerische Zur Gestaltung des Unterrichts. 06/22/1922)
It goes without saying here that this principle is the basis of the Free School pedagogy! The whole curriculum is based on the physical / etheric developmental stages of the child.

For the pathway in the curative education is therefore an important starting point. In the daily practice of good teaching learning situation, there are also significant differences.
The obstacles to the children who seek help us imagine, as it were evident and the progress through the various stages of development takes more time than usual.
that arise in a difficult to come speak, in the difficult or impossible to arrive at abstract concepts, developments in unilateral as obsessions, etc.
It is in itself very interesting to investigate to know how a certain bias has been established. What exactly causes. Very interesting, but no more than that! More essential for curative education the question of how you should deal with, how you can bend them to the eye to the future.
An important help for this is the Salvation Educational Course. In it are a number of phenomena as contrasted polarities:
Kleinhoofdig - Groothoofdig
epileptic - Hysteria
sulfur (iron rich) - Sulphur Rich
Dementia - Maniacally

Based on these distinctions polar knows the curative education so its own methodology, which they distinguish themselves from the ordinary, but also the special education! It is the indication of curative education to recognize these phenomena go, look for them to go to school, then these barriers to work. Grounded on a lack of polarity through rhythmic repetition to make / to offer.
When too much of one, must come more from the other!

It is always about polar phenomena that a given constitutional and thus the constitution can be observed:

- Kleinhoofdig - Groothoofdig: The size of the head but also in thinking too limited or too wide ideas.
- sulfur (iron rich) - Sulphur Rich: The color of the hair, shows they can not forget or not remember.
- Dementia - maniacally: ; The limbs. How is the movement pattern? Too much rest or too much movement (turbulence).
- epileptic - Hysteria: ; The entire constitution, but especially the skin is impenetrable or too open. Caught in themselves or too much effluent. Awakening and sleep .

Based on the observed phenomena we can transform the material into or partly as curative education material development. You ask your teacher if salvation not only on what I offer or what I treat the children, but also how? How, in plain didactic sense, but how do I build good educational elements into the curriculum? This can be both in class and individually. If you
class does, as it were the whole class exercise is good for one or two children. It works then embedded in the whole. In the preparation / processing of the material may also very well built training moments. In general you can say that you mainly working class with young children. As they get older you become increasingly individualized. Also to self-knowledge and acceptance of one's capabilities and weaknesses to come.
The ingenuity of curative education teacher here is so important. You can also call intuition, but on the basis of the observation and study.

Providing polarities is actually in all learning to apply. Some examples for children with a hysterical constitution:
- Reading, writing sudden changes in tempo or count mounting. Speed up or slow down, so if it were a shock effect, causing the child in its physical / etheric body shot (the classic example of Hail Educational Course).
- The sculpting animal forms (in zoology period) or the Platonic solid (geometry-period) from the spherical shape. It should from the outside inwards (towards the center toe) sculpted by pressing the clay with your fingertips.
- In practice it works well for the hysteria just very good to hysterical / effluent to model, for example expressing the globe into a flat disk that is bigger and thinner, but not break or crumble. In such an exercise is about experiencing a border. How far can I go without breaking? Where should I stop? Therefore demands restraint, brings you very much to yourself.

Another example
- In a sulfur / iron rich kid: very smooth painting, only the color mood, where the child should release all performances.
- but opposite in a sulfur rich kid, what tends to forget and no good ideas is: just work on the right show or practicing form drawings, where you always have to think whether you should ask how the shape goes.

So for all these phenomena developed ways, particularly in the arts.
It requires the salvation educator, he / she must delve into:
- the developmental stages of children;
- general human biology,
- Free School Curriculum;
- methods in special education;
- The Salvation Educational Course.
also has an individual floor of each child, because based on the relationship with the child's educational development can only be a good place. "
The 'Hail Educational Courses' are the lectures that Rudolf Steiner in 1924 specifically for salvation and educators held have been translated into Dutch under the title "Healing educate '. - I found while searching a short message from the magazine nine years ago of the former Salvation Educational Association, the "Connection November 2002" No. 62, now find on the website of the College Edith Maryon. It , Wim van der Lans briefly mentioned, he is even on the right. The message is titled "Reunion Veldheim Stenia Solar Homes" and is signed:
"A great day. Initially it was thought that perhaps 250 people would come, well it were 500! Hastily at the last moment there was a large event tent rental, where The fire department was operating license for a little! The Technical Services of Solar Homes is however nothing and everything was on his neatly fallen into place. It took the initiator and organizer Alexandra Buijsman a number of sleepless nights, but the vote on Saturday, October 12 jl was very good. Many former pupils and former staff members saw each other after decades back, it was a great omhelzingsfeest! Laak was excerpted from a bus with 50 people came. Fortunately, the classrooms of the conversation Azariaschool arranged as corners, because there was so much to tell. Everywhere sounded ask for repetition.

A highlight was the focus for the 50th anniversary of "sister Miep. Everyone knew her and loved her. A personal tinged speech by Wim van der Lans and a wonderful painting by Thea Giessen, fell from sister Miep and the audience very well received. Ms Nel Lievegoed-Schatborn, guest of honor this day, ascended the stage to spontaneous sister Miep to speak, and they still have a few old memories could get. Several former pupils kept the party atmosphere with musical presentations up well. History keeps you awake, then bundle up your strength! "


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