Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Pokemon Furry Doujinshi

In a book published late last year by Christof Wiechert, I did in January 28 'Triangle '. I do not think Christof Wiechert previously wrote a book, so this was worth mentioning. He writes regular articles or, in the first place for the magazine of the International Pedagogical Section at the Goetheanum, Der Rund Letter. The leadership of this section, he also exercised one year or nine, because he has at the end of last year down, as I reported in December 19, 2010 " overwhelmed. Spot of the section of the website is even in the left menu item with a "Veröffentlichungen Christof Wiechert ' to find, but there is still no more than' Neunzig Waldorfschule Jahre: 1919-2009 Article aus" Das Goetheanum "Nr. 39. 09 G_39_09_Wiechert.pdf . Where I want to go, is something else. Namely magazine 'Erziehungskunst'; since I drew earlier, on January 27 in " Point", and last year on July 26, 2010 Vernieuwing ervan in ' Uitgever '. Op de homepage van de website nu prominently state:
by Christof Wiechert, February 2011

The question is often asked: " As for Steiner himself was a teacher? "It gives us the opportunity to discover that Steiner taught only what he himself did or contributed. The following brief sketches show how people love by a teachers' personality and characteristic healing to act on their students can. [more] '
The article appears to be part of a 'Theme » Rudolf Steiner, a series of at least five other articles on Rudolf Steiner, undoubtedly part of the festive season '150 years Rudolf Steiner. That course you'd like to know what Christof Wiechert wrote this. So here comes the rest of his article:
"All Erziehung ist Selbsterziehung

Dass umfassendsten Rudolf Steiner im Sinne des Wortes Lehrer war, kann man schon races today Sätze seines Buches" Who erlangt man der Erkenntnis höhere Welt? "entnehmen.

in the chapter on the conditions of self-education is that one must "feel like a member of the whole life. One must develop his emotional life so that you can not be transferred to a life, but in the middle of it inside. How this life can be constructed, Steiner shows two examples.

"Am I my teacher and pupil does not match what I want, I let my feeling not at first directed against the pupil, but to myself I should, as far as feel part of my pupil that I wonder: Is> that what the pupil is not enough, judge not the result of my own deed? \u0026lt;instead my feeling towards him, then I will think instead about how I should behave, so that could respond better in the future, the pupil of my demands. From such sentiments out gradually change the whole mentality of the people. This applies to the smallest as the greatest. I look out of such sentiments as a criminal, other than without it. I hold back my judgments and say to myself: 'I am but a man like this. The education that has become by the conditions I have, I may save just before his fate. \u0026lt;I'll then probably to the idea that these people would have been another brother, if the teachers who have used their efforts on me, they would inflict upon him. I will remember that I have enjoyed something that was taken from him ... "

workers' education in Berlin

Steiner wrote these words shortly after his teaching position at Liebknecht founded by Walter had given workers' education school in Berlin. He taught there from 1899 to 1904th He had much earlier wish to remove from the college, but you did not dare because he was the most popular and most respected teachers. An onlooker said: "It was probably around the year 1904, when he resigned his teaching post at the Workers' Educational School. The letter believing Zionswächter had drilled a long time against the non-housebroken Marxist teachers. He was suspected of being heretics, and only the great love with which the students were hanging on him, had prevented the enemy strike. But at last it was ready. They sent the little Max Grunewald, a saddle fixed Marxists before. We fixed a night when the two opponents should be measured. It was a ghost battle of enormous proportions. Steiner was in very great shape. He spoke with a dramatic increase, he moved his opponent with an uncanny knowledge base to attack him, he spoke with passion and Fire and even forced the enemy into its spell. The small bankrupt's Grunewald was not even on the legs. He was not stupid and otherwise feared for his wit and his ready wit. But he had been hopelessly lost in the first round. Steiner went, but he was the winner, acclaimed by his faithful disciples. "

At that time, Steiner taught at a private girls' school in Berlin. One of his students many years later was aware of Steiner and recognized him as their teacher from the Berlin period. She had a "teenager" a very sanguine nature and had many teachers from other admonitions like . Let "Only Dr. Steiner always did, as if he knew nothing," she wrote in retrospect, "and said calmly, until they showed interest. While it from the contents of hours no longer remembers who had joined her that soul attitude deeply imprinted in the memory. "

tutor to the family Specht

up front this time informed Steiner of 1884 1890 at the Jewish Specht family in Vienna as a private tutor. He had to educate the four sons of Pauline and Ladislaus. When he accepted the job, it was just 23 years old. When he asked for six years a witness, Ladislaus Specht wrote the last sentence: "It is of course to the above, that Mr. Steiner on only his own wish my house left, accompanied by grateful recognition of my whole family."

The second oldest of four sons, Otto, was due to its water head as not educable. As Steiner began his work, Otto was eleven years old, just had the exam for the first elementary school class not passed since then and learned nothing, because he did not go to school. After two years, Steiner was the boy so much that he was in high school and remarked, "the head is getting smaller."

Steiner often used this example to the principle of economy the lessons explained. At first the boy was so weak that he only fifteen minutes of class on the day endured. Steiner took a full three hours to compress the material. The boys have been inspired by these lessons must be a huge self-healing process.

Although many remains mysterious, can it be said: The healing power of pedagogy, which is visible here, is something of the archetype is the art of education that is sought today by the Waldorf schools.

The education that Steiner gave in this family had a great attraction. Cousins, nephews, children of family friends found a. After Steiner had left Vienna, he remained in correspondence with many family members contact. And although Paul Specht begins almost every letter with a complaint about Steiner's writing laziness, but you can feel the love, affection, respect and gratitude she feels for the former teacher.

the secret of long-continued acting teacher personality are also encountered in many biographies of former Waldorf students, the numerous personal advice to parents for the education of their children and the surprisingly effective aids in overcoming disease.

A teacher of human kindness

Where do we as educators in the establishment of Steiner Waldorf school? There are many small scenes: he could not walk across the schoolyard, for example, children without schools surrounded him. Or he suffered when the teachers in the conferences only looked at the difficulty their students. And he was genuinely pleased when a student had painted a form that inspired him so much that he wanted to see these boys in the break and thanked him for the form that he intended to use when building the Goetheanum in Dornach.

But there is also the great scenes that talks to the students and the visits to the classes.

The school is on 16 September 1919 their lessons recorded on 21 December meets the school community - the grades 1-8, teachers and parents - to the first Christmas party of the new school. Steiner holds a speech:

"My dear children! A few weeks ago when we first all went to this school, I visited you more often. Then came a couple of weeks, I had to be pretty far away from here. But every time I was up in the morning and went to my work because I had to think: What are you going now my love Waldorf children and their teachers love? And often during the day I came to that conclusion. And now to love Christmas time, I got to visit you again. Since I came into all classes, and many of you, my dear children, I asked: Do you love your teachers love it, too? (Yes! call the children) And you see, so you have answered me cordially. And as I told you: This is my very special love Christmas, "

Just before the end of this speech, he directed more the following words to the students:" Children, if you come transgress in these areas and your comrades and companions place, then remember that you should love each other and welcome to any and all the others. Love must prevail among you, then you will thrive under the care of your teachers and your parents will think at home without worry and with love feelings about how she spends here your time. "

this image that the school community through the love that comes mutual respect for all, exists in all his speeches together with the cordial invitation to be diligent and attentive, which is often dressed in delightful fables.

pedagogy is applied imagination

In June 1924 attended the first Steiner Waldorf school outside of Germany in The Hague. He came into the class of the school's founders, Daniel van Bemmelen art class, black and white shading. Van Bemmelen tried to pupils from the sun obliquely lit tree stand to leave. Since Steiner presented the students took a swab and sponge round table, held the two over each other, went to the window so that light fell on it, and found full of joy, now you have the tree you draw. The teacher realized abruptly, which is applied imagination.

Another episode: Rudolf Treichler Urkollegium was part of the Stuttgart Waldorf school. As a class teacher and language teacher, he was one of the pillars of the school until its closure by the Nazis. Steiner came to him one day in English classes, it may have been good in the sixth or seventh grade. Treichler describes: "... I had - and later again and again - taken by the Lord's Prayer in English and learn with the children started. Rudolf Steiner came in just when we spoke the final words: "For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory - for ever and ever '.

were ready when we got up Rudolf Steiner, went to the blackboard and a chalk in his hand and told the children: 'You now have the beautiful final words of the Lord's Prayer spoken in English and know of course the German words to do so. Now, each kingdom has a certain extent, a certain size \u0026lt; - And he drew a circle -> ... and the power of this kingdom, which is sitting where? \u0026lt;-> ... \u0026lt;In the middle, the students responded. > Yes, in the middle, "Steiner said, and sat in the center of the circle -> ... and the glory, the glory that radiates from this kingdom that shines far beyond \u0026lt;He drew something like gloss and light rays around it. And then he went on. > What is the now of the whole 'After a moment's hesitation came from all sides the cry?> As the sun \u0026lt;-> Yes, this is the sun, "said Rudolf Steiner clearly satisfied, and went out,"

One can be illustrated by the few examples: Wherever Steiner worked as a teacher to manifest those embracing philanthropy and educational imagination, from the beginning of the speech was. There is no education worthy of the name, without these people love.

About the author: Christof Wiechert was until recently head of the educational section at the. His most recent book desire to Lehrersein published appeared at the.


Rudolf Steiner: How to Know higher Welten? (GA 10).
Beiträge zur Rudolf Steiner Gesamtausgabe, "Wissen ist Macht - Power ist Wissen« (No. 111), Dornach 1993, Dass.: Rudolf Steiner und Erzieher Hauslehrer (No. 112/113), Dornach 1994
Beltle Erika (Hrsg.): Erinnerungen an Rudolf Steiner, Stuttgart 2001
of Rudolf Steiner Waldorf School (GA 298), Dornach 1980
French Lutters: Daniel Johan Bemmelen 1899-1982, Driebergen 2005 '
That's already a long way to the German text; but it is understandable text that is easy to understand. This also applies to the following, which I will remember you either, certainly not after I have all the previous reviews of Wolfgang G. Vögele here have shown. The last time I called him was last Sunday, February 6th in ' Candling . Here, then ' Rudolf Steiner Prototyp des modernen Menschen', as it was before yesterday on News Network Anthroposophy Limited (NNA)
'Biographin Miriam Gebhardt Zeitgebundenheit zeigt und Einfluss seines Denkens auf die heutige Kultur auf - Praxisteile enttäuschen

With her biography, "Rudolf Steiner - a modern prophet," announced by the publisher as "the first comprehensive biography," the Munich-based historian and journalist Miriam Gebhardt an idiosyncratic contribution to the Steiner-anniversary year has done. The author was known for her publication "The fear of the child's tyrants" (2009), in which she drew a critical review of education in the last century.

your Steiner's biography has Miriam Gebhardt as a journalist who knows her craft: complex issues, such as the history of spiritualism, are presented in a comprehensible and clear. With empathy feeling she tries to come close to Steiner's inner life, his fears and disappointments, his aspirations and ideals.

All in all, it stands so the image of a modern Rudolf Steiner, who had little talent for versatility in his dogmatic champagne head. That he often urged his followers still in the role of the saint is not disputed. Steiner's displeasure is documented as well as his disappointment in the majority of his supporters in its main aims and objectives to have been misunderstood.

in the title of the biography of the public appeal of the concept of modern prophets is used. Is thus a Vorherverkünder and Warner meant our time? A knower, a visionary of a better future, which involved the rescue of his fellow man? Or to be generated in the reader even the association of a "false prophet", as when, after the First World War in pamphlets about a Max Seiling ("The anthroposophical movement and its Prophet") and Gerold v. DC (R. Steiner a Prophet concern doctrine ") was practiced?

Or will indicate the author with the fact that Steiner in the milieu of the primed by the culture of science "barefoot prophet" (Ulrich lens) belongs with which the apostles and numerous healing cult leaders of the 1920 'include? Then Steiner would be one of those charismatic, populist charlatans and demagogues who in times of crisis with the stupidity of the people made their lucrative business? Some authors locate distinction R. Steiner, and the young Adolf Hitler in this scene. But Miriam Gebhardt Steiner relieved he was not one of the pioneers of the Nazi regime, as he assumed this critic. (P. 12)

Gebhardt Steiner locates in the milieu of the reform movement of the early 20th Century. He took up the desires of his time sent and made it a symbol determination program for the middle class. "Of all the visionaries of early 20 Century, his name is more popular than ever. His success was no fluke. "

Gebhardt contradicts the thesis of the outdated, now historic Steiner. During his lifetime he had only a relatively few adherents, but "unlike almost all other reformers of his time he has managed not only to the present, he even has a growing influence on contemporary life and thought." (P. 15) A thesis which is diametrically opposed to those representations, Steiner play in contemporary society only a marginal, rather, no role, since he had taken from any of the established church, and instances of serious science am.

Nevertheless, it would supplement, is estimated to be thinking of those same instances as not dangerous. Especially the churches, which slides the authority to interpret spirituality is increasingly out of hand, believe warn of the social influence of anthroposophy have to. The contradiction between marginalization and demonization is noticed by nearly all critics of Steiner, but a plausible explanation for the "anthroposophical influence" on society has not yet delivered, apart from one crude conspiracy theories. Gebhardt for the Steiner's success lies not in its doctrine, but in the "timeliness of its services. It lists a number of examples, such as the Demeter organization "as a global player globally, the use of Weleda cosmetics by Hollywood stars, the growing popularity of Waldorf education. In short, the applied anthroposophy flourish more and more. (P. 15)

Anthroposophy is not only in the field of economics, but also as a "cultural factor" is visible: It refers to the Steiner successful exhibitions in major German museums since 2010 and to 70,000 Waldorf students.

Sun acknowledges the book by Miriam Gebhardt, according to Prof. Heiner Ullrich, and Helmut Zander now the third biography, published for the anniversary year, Rudolf Steiner, especially as a pioneer of modernism, its influence on contemporary culture can not be ignored discussed. Here it is clearly a different emphasis than the other two biographers. (NNA reported, see "anthroposophy as Black Box" and "Rudolf Steiner's life as a docu-soap")

In this circle of anthroposophy were in Germany representatives of the business elite, the political and cultural celebrities: "Some of Waldorf them were students, some have let their children learn to the Steiner pedagogy. "(p. 16) pricked up its ears make for example the name Andreas Schleicher, the inventor of the PISA study, even ex-Waldorf student who now accuses the public schools fail. Conspiracy theories, the author issued a denial: the "elite production" of Waldorf schools is low. It shows there are universities and banks, which were founded by Anthroposophy. Yet behind it not a "power-hungry conglomerate," because ". Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophy may seem totally, because it accesses so many areas of life, but it is not totalitarian" (p. 17) The doctrine Steiner will eventually turn to an academically trained, middle classes, the urge not in the public or even prefer Was operating secret. (P. 17)

throws Despite this present-oriented interpretation of Steiner's life and work of Gebhardt against today's anthroposophy, it would have little care of the development of Steiner's teachings. This causes them to take after the more than 250-page biography of the most important and successful practice fields at a critical eye. Here, then flow, however, a little too often justified judgments about when she writes at the Waldorf-part, Steiner's development ideas were already obsolete in his lifetime or go to the Waldorf pedagogy is the "most complete control of the living conditions of the child" (S.286/287). Or if she recommends parents, each Waldorf school must then be put under the microscope, whether the "get your child placed before literature from the ethnic or racial poison cabinet" (p.302), or be related to a teacher there who are trained with this type of literature would.

But how effective Steiner said today? This was also in the biographies of Zander and Prof. Ullrich unexplained residual. Here Miriam Gebhardt provides a clue. The key to understanding its long-lasting effect possessed neither the critics who demonized him, nor the trailer, which he , Deified she says. The key is rather "in the event of skillful embodiment of a modern guru." (P. 18) A rating so it does not connect, either positively or negatively. The question of Steiner's moral integrity and credibility, they can obviously prefer other experts such as Steiner Helmut Zander, whose detailed work her biography benefited in many ways.

In the heyday of life reform, ie, in the first decades of the 20th Century, had ruled a highly differentiated value pluralism, in which we recognize ourselves today: Another approach to nature and health, a new education was already set at that time on the agenda in response to the industrialization process. Some of them have contributed anthroposophy without us this was always aware. Modern Steiner was in his ambivalence between tradition and present.

As an anti-democrats, they will not label him, after all, he had hopes of an education reform and cooperative collaboration of more social justice (p. 13). Its engine had been the great issues of his time. Gebhardt is less interested in "truth or falsity" of anthroposophy, she wants to know "what to Steiner is still alive today." (P. 14)

Steiner's spiritual and mental agility, his courage to improvise and to experiment, its multiple perspectives, the dogmatic rigidity evaded permanently seems Gebhardt Fassini: "He was anything but always ready and coherent personality, one in each life, the future career would have to watch. . A deeply modern person he was repeatedly highlighted the right to a renewed self-discovery "(p. 14)

are original and Gebhardt's chapter headings, which are based throughout the vocabulary of the railway, such as" In the waiting room "-" signals "- "In the signal box" - "full steam". Because Steiner was born not only in a train station: a large part of his life, the restless reformer spent on travel. However, Gebhardt shoots with the loose journalistic style and also in several places on the target when they used oblique images, such as the "lubricant" of the talk that the "knowledge generator at full speed" was run (p. 166) or the Esoteric School lets go "in-Christian European flag", while Annie Besant "made in Buddhism and Hinduism" (p. 220).

Steiner autobiographies met Gebhardt, not from the start with suspicion. This allows her a wider perspective. "The modern prophet has many lives," she says at the end of the book. If he were alive today, she says, he was a permanent guest in the studio. And as he sat and evading the popular friend-enemy assignment, the impact on his followers as well as negative on his opponents. To all writes Miriam Gebhardt one yet to be achieved in the root directory saying it was necessary to sustain Steiner's time constraint and his date at the same time.

Miriam Gebhardt: Rudolf Steiner - a modern prophet. A biography. Munich: DVA 2011th 368 pages, 22,99 Euro’


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