Sunday, February 13, 2011

Silver Nitrate Treatment Erosion Of Cervix


Dresden is not, but Paris in the early evening of September 17, 2010, as all previous photos in this series.

Two weeks ago, on Sunday, January 30 in " unforgettable " I came to speak to the rhythm of 66 years following the liberation of Auschwitz on January 27, 1945. Now I just today another war history in the lap because Marja Verburg who just this afternoon on her blog "Marja Berlin ' quotes. They also figured in my post on January 30 and today So again, with her Dresden, February 13, 1945 "(where you will find great pictures):
" With some reluctance I did ten years ago, participated in the choir rehearsing a new piece. I was looking forward to Mozart's Requiem that we were going increase. I had already sung and I liked. This extra piece that we could do was a cappella and sounded at the first rehearsals anything. It was eight-part, complex, both sides scraped past each other, there was no recognizable melody.

Now I find it one of the most beautiful and impressive pieces I've ever sung " Who lies so Wüst City "by Rudolf Mauersberger. Mauersberger was the conductor of the Dresden Kreuzchor, the boys of Kreuzkirche in Dresden and he wrote the piece shortly after the devastating bombing of his city on February 13, 1945. It was almost completely destroyed Dresden and came to an estimated 30 000 people died.

took a long time Dresden was built up again. The churches could only really be restored to its former glory after the Wende. In the GDR, the secular state workers and peasants, had the restoration of churches is not a priority.

Kreuzkirche Even more impressive than the story of the Frauenkirche. Them were after the bombing of February 13, 1945 just two feet portals. Until the mid nineties were the remains standing, including the mountain stones from the church was left as a memorial.

Not everyone was thrilled when after the fall of the Berlin Wall was started with the development of the Frauenkirche, said Christine, a friend I visited last week in Dresden. She was born and raised in Saxony and found, like many others who ruin a good memorial, a warning of the horrors of war.

Now she's glad he resists. The restoration of the church , again ordained in 2005, more than half paid fundraisers and donations, which yielded more than 100 million euros. Never before has so much to rebuild a building collected. Many of the stones from the ruined remains are placed in the new church, even as much as possible to the original position. The cross in the dome is made by a British blacksmith art. He is the son of one of the pilots who bombed Dresden, today 66 years ago. "
If you have a church in Dresden, I also immediately thought of the Christian Community. That denomination in 1945 was only 23 years and there will probably a very modest building as kerkuimte have had, the Dresden church emerges in the biography Marta Heimeran the priest. Of her appeared a short biography in the journal "On the Move" Advent 2009, pages 18 to 21, who also the website of the Christian Community is placed in the left menu can be found at 'Magazine in motion', in entitled "Part 10 - Marta Heimeran .
"In the series" The eventful start "are pioneers in the Christian community center, what has moved them and what their incentives would be in our time can be developed?"
Incidentally I drew on July 20, 2010 in " Groningen 'and who on April 5, 2009 in ' Moved beginning "also in this series. Hilde Cauwenbergh (priest seminary student Stuttgart) now writes about "Martha Heimeran: serve the One in many":
"Marta Heimeran (October 2, 1895 to May 2, 1965) was born the eldest child of a Prussian general in the upper middle class . Order and self-discipline are as obvious as on summer holidays abroad a good tennis parties and balls. As a girl growing up, it distinguishes itself by its real interest in other people's skills and deep conversations.

Culture renew

She's 19 years as the First World War breaks out. While her father and younger brother at the front, adopt social and nursing tasks. After the war, she chooses to women in social learning for school social worker. Later she studied further at several universities.

Three wires come together: its directive nature and self-discipline, independence they could develop during the First World War and the introduction to the Wandervogel movement. She is aware of her life is full of challenge: her deepest wish is to transform the culture. Marta is religious but has a deep dislike of church and theology. Together with other students, they in the intellectual wing of the Wandervogel movement learn, she leads groups that includes the gospel studied.

When in March 1921 together with other young people Hochschulkurs with Rudolf Steiner to follow, she sees this as a highlight. She feels: now the open road! Much greater when Steiner's disappointment at the end of this course the young people invited to the June Theologenkurs to participate. Marta feels in her very being ignored: the dreaded theology opened the continuation of this road should introduce myself!

Then she became seriously ill: diphtheria, a disease which Rudolf Steiner says, that ensure interoperability between the different parts being disturbed. During the quarantine period, several friends along and introduce them around-the-door intense conversation. They try to persuade it to the second course for theologians to participate. Eventually she decides her friends on their way to support, although she herself does not go by this road.

occurs at a remarkably quick recovery so she still greatly weakened, in the fall can travel to Dornach. There she asks a personal meeting with Rudolf Steiner. Her voice shows it - because of the diphtheria - total failure, but that is no obstacle. Rudolf Steiner "hear" her questions and with an immense Calls for clarity the truth of what he says to her: "If you really want to renew the culture, you start with the cult. Deeply aware of the higher - no longer what they love best eight - she gets from that moment her whole being for the establishment and expansion of the Christian Community.

priest and mother

When 26-year-old pulls them in the summer of 1922 with a backpack and 3 German marks in his pocket by train to Ulm to stop the breeding ground for its first town to prepare . A conversation in the train makes its first name and address in the city's total stranger. That same evening she may, if virtually no preparation, a presentation about the nature and purpose of the Christian Community. She struggles, as good and as bad as it goes against all these anthroposophists learned through the lecture notes back and to her horror that someone seems to make notes. Instead it appears to be a list of over thirty names of who might be interested, the man handed her later. At night in the homeless center where they stayed, they can look back a fruitful first day.

In September she goes back to Dornach and ministreert with Gerhard Klein in the first of Consecration of Man. As a priest she returns to Ulm, where she still remains a half years before she Alfred Heidenreich in de gemeente Frankfurt gaat werken. Ze kennen elkaar sinds 1920 uit de Wandervogel -beweging, maar huwen pas wanneer ze in 1929 besluiten om de Christengemeen schap naar Engeland te brengen. Daar werken ze in moeilijke omstandigheden gedurende tien jaar samen. Hun zoon Michael wordt in 1932 in Schevingen geboren.

Hieruit blijkt voor de eerste maal, dat datgene wat Rudolf Steiner in 1922 zei inderdaad mogelijk is: het verenigen van het priesterberoep, niet alleen met vrouw-zijn, maar ook met relatie en met moederschap. Alles hangt af van de kracht van de individualiteit, die het geslachtelijke overstijgt. De hoofdzaak is dat de priesterlijke waardigheid niet geschonden wordt. Wat Marta erg verheugt is that priests are not the women are forced emantiepatiebeweging - an absurdity that would have been - but as a gift from above to the 'female man' is given.

World War II broke out during a vacation to Martha and Alfred spent in the mountains of Tyrol, where they book, "The religious education of the minor child" writes. Alfred travels through the Netherlands back to England and Marta by the Gestapo when they stopped their son with her parents to retrieve. After an imprisonment of one month until June 1941 she works in the town of Dresden, until the Christian Community in Germany banned. As many colleagues celebrates they Consecration of Man in secret, during the recovery period of heavy phosphorus burns, which she visited with her parents in Nuremberg by a bombardment increases.

Twelve holy days

The second half of its activity as a priest shortly after the stormy pioneer period, a quiet bed in the town of Tübingen. Here she develops spiritual community as a strong relationship with the youth. Her directness and power, often taking them from others as a strong commitment expected yields as itself, be something more easily accepted than in England. They practice the education they can to reconcile freedom with responsibility for the purity of the Christian Community. The path to the conversation, the skill from her childhood that she in the sense of Goethe's fairy tale - "verkwikkender than light has been the talk" - cultivated.

Her great love for the resurrection mystery tirelessly trying to convey. The work of Fra Angelico, Christ appears to Mary Magdalene as a gardener and Redentiner Easter play for her an inexhaustible source. The fresco she visits whenever she is in Florence and the game is annually prepared and implemented by youth. When people sometimes grumble or try to convince her that this year will not really know them again and again to motivate them: the mystery must be conscious of the municipality in order to bring the inner deepened through repetition can be.

The annual tradition on the feast of St. John at sunrise the Consecration of Man in the Swabian Alb outdoor celebration, they have no motivation. This is the beginning of "the twelve holy days" as opposed to the twelve holy nights at Christmas. This period she lived intensely, as in 1929 when, seven years after the foundation of the Christian Community, along with Alfred Heidenreich in England for the first time, celebrates and have twelve days in a row, first three in German and then nine times in English .

Marta , the people she has met faithfully. Thus, her congregation spread throughout Europe. A postcard is easily written a letter comes at the right time. A visit to a stopover in the Netherlands to the English synod, preparing talks for a wedding in Switzerland, a baptism in Italy, ... it's all the possibilities and demonstrates her tireless commitment to the expansion and anchoring of the Christian Community.

entrenched them in Tübingen. She is committed to building a church, a worthy dwelling in stone and earth the essence of the Christian Community and a visible sign in the city. This church will be dedicated on May 6, the days of John the evangelist and author of the Apocalypse. On the same May 6, three years later, her cremation takes place in Basel. Marta after the stroke, her baptism in Florence after a take, to the clinic in Arlesheim where she dies on May 2. The words of the five year old brother of the baptized as a message from the spiritual world of the almost seventy years: "You must die so soon."

Heimeran Martha was well aware of her weaknesses, she could very straight and persistent. It was often difficult, but she was also there to highlight. Again and again she searched the conversation, because the one they wanted to serve, she served in many that they could meet in the attention to the small and in the daily celebration of Consecration of Man.

Source: Michael Heidenreich (2008), Marta Heimeran - Frau und Priest Erin '
To my surprise I found a Wikipedia article about her, especially surprising because the data there is a slightly different picture for magic. These data are already on the Internet since September 1, 2010, so hopefully they can be correctly applied:
"Marta Heimeran ( Nuremberg , October 2 1895 - Arlesheim , May 2 1965 ) belonged to the group of 45 founders of the Christian Community and was a of the three women in that group. It was founded in 1922 to ordained priest and kept the post office until her death.


Heimeran Martha grew up in a wealthy family. She drove her father to scare the civilian environment, and to say goodbye to participate in the free life of the Wander Bird.

In 1919 she met Alfred Heidenreich that its interest in Anthroposophy taught. The first course of theologians Rudolf Steiner followed both of them not with a church they wanted nothing to do. Only when others passionately about the content of the course said, they followed the second course in Dornach. They were so inspired that she became involved in founding the Christian Community. Marta ministreerde people during the first ordination services in the creation week at the Goetheanum, and was 17 September 1922 themselves ordained by Emil Bock.

In the spring of 1923 founded a church in Alfred Heidenreich Frankfurt and asked her to come and help. They worked together, but not without tensions. Alfred Lenker (government support) and under that power much traveling. Heimeran then ran into the church alone.

In 1929 came the question in England, the Christian Community to build. Martha and Alfred decided to marry, and together they went to London. In 1932 their son was born. Using Alfred Cecil Harwood translated and Marta the text from the cult German to English . English candidates for the priesthood were then quickly and the movement spread throughout the country.

In 1939 the family returned to Germany. Marta worked on her book "Von der Religion des kleinen Kindes". Alfred was an invited lecture in the Netherlands. As the war overtook them. Alfred was still with the last boat back to England. Martha was forced by the Gestapo in Germany with their son to stay behind. They argued and Eduard Lenz Gerhard Klein Dresden the city to ban the Christian Community on June 9, 1941. There were heavy week in the women's prison in Dresden. After her release she returned to Nuremberg and earned during the war years forced the cost of translations, so it was impossible to her profession of priest in public to perform.

by the forced separation, there was separation between Martha and Alfred, but the marriage was never dissolved. A return to England there was not, however, although Martha did regularly in meetings of the English Synod participated.

After the end of the war she participated in the restoration of the Christian Community in Germany and built in Tübingen for 20 years a large congregation where young and old felt at home.

In 1963, she was appointed until Lenker. At Easter 1965 they celebrated one last time the Consecration of Man, she died after a stroke in the clinic of Arlesheim on May 2, 1965. "
I want now to something else, to the journal 'Erziehungskunst " what I did on February 9 in' Love . I had already discussed the theme 'Rudolf Steiner' where a number of articles devoted. But I later realized that it all stems from the February issue and that even this whole song to download. I assume that not every month does, but especially because of the jubilee celebrations:
"Aktuelle Ausgabe
Theme: Rudolf Steiner
Februar 2011
not just the five themed articles appear in this issue arising, but also the article by Lorenzo Ravagli me on January 28 in " Triangle 'quote and had found on his website. The extensive book review by John Kiersch of Steiner biography Heiner Ullrich I on January 27 in " Point 'placed, and that I keep Erziehungskunst site was found in a shorter and modified form a spot in the February-party number received. What I now like to highlight is the editorial introduction (Editorial ") by Mathias Maurer, which I find remarkable:
" Liebe Leserin, lieber Leser,

träumte mir, das im Goetheanum Rischen Dornach Schweiz wäre eine freie Universität an international campus, studying the people from all over the world: law, medicine, economics, education and social sciences - and anthroposophy. The latter not as a complementary product, but as an integral part of academic curriculum that permeates all subjects.

The Goetheanum must save four million Swiss francs this year, is actually bankrupt and cuts jobs and demand. This is regrettable, but brings the opportunity for a genuine renewal. The old, faithful anthroposophists who bequeathed their property by will die from the Goetheanum, the number of members of the Anthroposophical Society shrinks. It does not move new, young people under, interested in anthroposophy - at least they do not move into the Anthroposophical Society. The Goetheanum has lost his appeal is to the museum, the mausoleum of a good idea.

I dreamed all anthroposophical organizations, the world representing over a thousand institutions, universities and seminars saved, along with some anthroposophical entrepreneurs and founders of the Goetheanum. In a concerted action, they founded a university at which all faculties are represented, a university that is accredited internationally, where you can store all accounts - and of which one Anthroposophy gland stud kann - eine Elite-Universität - eine Anthroposophic Exzellenzoffensive ...

Oder war das Steiner Traum, den ich träumte? - Ganz gleich - there were realisiert kann! Sonst wird Anthroposophie as Geisteswissenschaften ein Traum und ihre Rezeption academic Anthroposophen über Nicht-welding bleiben, ihr Wesen Deren Erkenntnisinstrumente kaum fassen. "
This is a beautiful sound! A dream that there may be. Finally something, but completely different. Michael Eggert took it all in last week's Sunday ' "Verbrechertisch mit Rudolf Steiner ':
" Wolfgang G. Vögele und some colleagues invite you to "criminals table" to introduce the Rudolf Steiner, to hear of the little else to read and is - except in out of print biographical notes by Emil Bock. The early Steiner was related artists for nights in pubs around, between Boheme, poets, socialists and feminists. The stories of him and his friends are really quite amazing and exhilarating. They fit so at all in the image, maintain the most supporters and opponents of subtle esoteric Steiner Sun So much fun at two events in Berlin and Leipzig. "
Michael Mentzel van 'contemporary issues' twee dagen later he Kwam, dinsdag 8 februari, ook op te spreken in '"Quiet Days" in Berlin? " En nog wat what daarin explicieter:
'The other Rudolf Steiner. "Criminals table" as a study object. Rudolf Steiner's early years in Berlin.

Rudolf Steiner's early years in Berlin were somewhat turbulent. 1897, coming from Weimar, he was no longer unknown. Together with Otto Erich hard life, he took over the "Magazine for Literature, gave lectures and classes at the Workers' Educational School Berlin and Spandau, the Giordano Bruno Union and in the artistic and literary club "The coming". Peter Hille and Else Lasker-Schüler were as much part of his acquaintances as the anarchist John Henry Mackay. He mixed in circles that we can show from today's perspective, the term subculture. He was in contact with the proletariat, Marxists and anarchists and the "criminals Table" by Otto Erich hard life was his first master table. They met at the inn "for Strammer dog" or in other locations.

It does look as though Steiner would have taken his philosophy of freedom seriously and did what he felt to be necessary, and said Wolfgang Voegele, editor of the book "The Other Rudolf Steiner" he would have kept it the properties, "he's' Magazine 'for 1899 on the flag wrote:' versatility and prejudice."

remarks of his former friends and contemporaries According gnawed it at the time, starving and the alcohol was not obviously just averse. He writes about this period: "It was woven by the people 'magazine' and 'Free literary society' clearly in my fate. But I was not intertwined in any way in theirs. (...) For as I walked around for her soul eyes under them, it was not attractive to them, . To me deeper to take "

This fits with what, in his" "is related to some pages earlier, namely," life course, it lived in my whole soul being the enthusiasm for the one which I later called 'reality according to knowledge' . And especially, I realized that the man with such a 'reality-date knowledge' can not stand in any corner of the world, while going out of his being and becoming. "And although Steiner later of the time as a" descent into hell "and said his early Berlin years as a training ground for his soul bezeichnete, wird man gleichwohl konstatieren können, dass ein Eintauchen in derlei gesellschaftliche Zusammenhänge in jener Zeit für ihn eine durchaus notwendige Entwicklung dargestellt haben könnte. "


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