Thursday, February 17, 2011

Do Timberland Make Good Hiking Boots

Self knowledge

The first picture was shot Saturday September 18, 2010 from moving subway, back towards the center of Paris, the Ile de France. Hence, the Eiffel Tower stands at a little crooked ...

A year ago, on January 16, 2010, I made in ' Zajonc and Scharmer ' notice of the presentation of the Dutch translation of both their books on March 8 in Amsterdam, or 'Meditation' and 'Theory U' in the presence of the two authors (see also about " games" on January 18, 2010). A short report on which I had on March 10, 2010 in "Joy Book . On May 5, 2010 I came up with 'In the Air ' back on Otto Scharmer: a detailed opening article of him stood in the May issue of Info3 (translated into German so). Also, I asked his Presencing Institute for. Finally I was able to Sept. 15, 2010 in "Through the valley " with a detailed contribution Froukje Wirtz again focus on 'Theory U' pay.

And there is now something new by Otto Scharmer. Two days ago Andrew wrote at Meiresonne Zinboek weblog about 'Know thyself (Otto Scharmer) ':
'"Know thyself" was above the gate of the temple of Delphi. It is timeless. And actual. That was my impression after a conversation I had to Dr. Otto Scharmer from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

For NIVOZ I asked him what his main advice for anyone who teaches - teachers and lecturers. You can view the site of the child . And below you can read a summary in his own words.

"A profound process of learning is not about filling an empty barrel, called" student "with knowledge. The learning process is Basically about Igniting a flame. That flame is the deeper humanity within-us, the knowledge That I already bring When I am growing up, when i am being born.

The most important knowledge is not just knowledge about the world, but knowledge about yourself, self knowledge.

In adult populations self knowledge is the most difficult to teach and yet the most important one to attend to and also the most appreciated from the side of the learners. There is a deep hunger for that. The younger generations coming in are much more open for that deeper self knowledge than we would have been a generation ago.

Self knowledge can not be taught from outside. You can only make the learner become aware of what they already know. What is new in this century, is that people wake up to that level of inquiry and interest and knowing, way before we used to when we grew up.

In finding out who I really am, much is about reflecting – and by moving out into the world. By having deep emerging experiences with different ‘pockets’ of society – particularly the underprivileged, the voiceless, the powerless. As I connect to them I become part of the social field, that is opening up my deeper capacities of empathy, of feeling, of attending. That’s the real source of entrepreneurship, of innovation, and also of cohesion in society.

Another aspect that I am focusing on is the Open Will, with learning by doing. People across all cultures very naturally connect to this. I think today it is much more important Than it was a generation or two ago, Because The learning is through doing it, not just through theoretical models.

One practice I am using myself When I work with groups or teams with That, Every evening before going to sleep, I try to put myself Into the community service or That, or people thesis. Just to align your own attention with the purpose, helping theses groups or Individuals to connect with Their deeper capacity or creating opportunities and of making a difference. "
As the loyal visitors stuck here will know, because Andre Meiresonne more frequently discussed come, he likes another weblog (several actually, very beautiful, like ' Walk with Andre ',' KIKKE snapshots "and" silent films, but to me it's the other one), namely under his own name. Then he placed on February 9 'An interview with Otto Scharmer (Theory U)':
'Monday, February 7 jl gave Otto Scharmer - Theory of known you, and the book him one year ago presented in Amsterdam - a Masterclass at the conference "Every child is a promise" of the Foundation for Sustainable Learning .

For NIVOZ child and I asked him a burning question: "What is the best advice you can give to someone every day is the classroom?" Here is his answer, modest, surprising and intense - and not just relevant to teachers, but for everyone who works with people every day: Otto Scharmer - The 6th Conference for Sustainable Learning from 21/12 PRODUCTIONS on Vimeo . "
The beauty is that he is also the day before the almost complete text written and put underneath it. Most of you already know, but I also like the detailed version:
"Dr Otto Scharmer (MIT) on learning and learning environments
Sustainable Learning Conference, February 7, 2011, Den Haag, NL

The greatest advice I can give is something I have come to learn in my own learning process: every profound process of learning is not about filling an empty barrel called “student” with knowledge until it is full. The learning process is basically about igniting a flame. Igniting a flame and using that, you could almost say a sacred source, of wandering, of questioning, of aspiring to know. Of grasping something larger than just myself, to nurture that, to hold the space for that and to partner with that sacred force of learning. That flame is the deeper humanity within us, the knowledge that I already bring when I am growing up, when I am being born.

I do a lot of advanced knowledge creation and work with younger and senior leaders, institutions and organizations and what I really do... Is not just knowledge about the world, but the most important is knowledge about yourself, self knowledge. It is that dimension of knowledge, knowing who you are, as a human being, and what the difference is you want to make in the world.

In adult populations self knowledge is the most difficult to teach and yet the most important one to attend to and also the most appreciated from the side of the learners. I experience this across sectors in society and cultures all over the world. There is a deep hunger for that. I also experience that with twenty-somethings at MIT. The younger generations coming in are much more open for that deeper self knowledge than we would have been a generation ago. I think it goes deeper and deeper into the student generation that now is attending the schools.

If I have any core competence than it is being a teacher – that is what I am feeling a little comfortable to talk about, based on my own experience. So how do you operate as a teacher? Self knowledge can not be taught from outside. You can only make the learner become aware of what they already know. That’s really the essence of self knowledge and the deeper work of learning in leadership in all institutions today. Because I know a few people from the younger generations... I think what is new in this century, is that people wake up to that level of inquiry and interest and knowing, way before we used to when we grew up. I think that’s the cutting edge of learning.

So how do you attend to all these different biographies, to helping people to explore context that can help to become aware of who you really are and what is the main mechanism there? One of the main mechanisms I am using, in finding out who I really am – much is about reflecting – is by moving out into the world. By having deep emerging experiences with different “pockets” of society – particularly the underprivileged, the voiceless, the powerless. As I connect to them I become part of the social field. That social field is opening up my deeper capacities of empathy, of feeling, of attending. It’s not just emotion – it’s how I connect to the larger social field around us. That’s the real source of entrepreneurship, of innovation, and also of cohesion in society that very often is about to break apart as we know – even here in Holland, which has always has been the role model for integration. We know it is already broken apart in other countries.

Another aspect that I am focusing on in my environments of adult learning is not only to help people to access to empathy but also to help people to open to the deeper capacities of will – the Open Will. The Open Will has to do with my hand, with the doing, with learning by doing. People across all cultures very naturally connect to this learning by doing. I think it is much more important today than it was a generation or two ago, because the learning is through doing it, not just through theoretical models. The open will also means having a deeper knowing of who you really are and the change that you want to bring about. So those are environments that if you want to create them as an educator, what you do is on the one hand you allow people to have deeper emerging experiences in society at special topics, you allow them to create experiments where they help, where they try to make a difference in society and you help them to create deeper reflective spaces.

One practice I am using myself when I work with groups or with teams is that, every evening before going to sleep, I try to put myself into the service of that community, of these people. Just to align your own attention with the purpose, helping these groups or individuals to connect with their deeper capacity of creating and of making a difference. That is what I have found useful and a little bit my own experience.’
we talk about Andre Meiresonne have, I can not resist also briefly the following alert. Do you remember "Nine hundred 'on January 29 and" Good Wrap "of two days later: it came at the end of solar eruptions and their possible influence on mass revolutionary social movements discussed. As if that eruptions with interrelated. The eruptions in the Middle East and North Africa are still on the job, on the contrary. For example, reading "There something brewing in Morocco: # feb20 . And what was there yesterday Wedding? " solar storm could disrupt navigation 'with the famous photo and this caption:
'Picture of the Sun on January 26. On both sides of the sun is a visible eruption. "
The text of the unsigned article (it is the editor of Science) provides:
"The earth will Thursday face the worst effects of solar storms in years. Chances are that GPS systems such as cars and on mobile devices to deal with failures. Problems also threaten to radio communications in aviation. That left a spokesperson for the Dutch Research School for Astronomy (NOVA) Wednesday.

In recent years the Sun has not been very active. The last time the Sun a large cloud of charged particles toward Earth was shot in 2003. Thereupon the electricity in Sweden, and, holding it in navigation of aircraft.

A solar storm consists of protons and electrons become detached from the Sun and the cosmos are hurled enormous speed. The particles may be near the poles reach Earth, where they had an electrical charge.

The NOVA is the storm Thursday particles reaches the Earth not the heaviest category, but strong enough to cause problems with electronic devices. The main risk to this is that in countries near the North Pole and Antarctica lie.

Belgian observatory is possible that in Western Europe, the northern lights can be seen. Dutch astronomers consider that unlikely. "Perhaps in very clear weather there will be something to see," said the spokesman for the NOVA.

The color effect of the aurora is caused by the particles of the solar storm the earth's magnetic field are deflected to the poles. As they penetrate the atmosphere at high speed. The energy in this process is causing the colors.

in 2008 warned the U.S. space agency NASA for a hole in the earth's magnetic field at which a next peak of solar activity, great damage can be inflicted on modern life on earth with all its electronics. That peak was in 2012 or 2013. "


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