The harvest is again extraordinary. You can not be ignored. In Germany. Where do I start? With colleague Michael Eggert then. "Aspekte der Anthroposophie " he wrote yesterday:
"Ein gutes, solides Radio Feature" Aspekte der Anthroposophie "Hessian beim Rundfunk - ausnahmsweise fast frei von Polemik. Here der erste Teil vom 20.2.2011. Instantaneous hails es ja und Berichte zu diesem Stellungnahmen Theme. Es fällt auf im Vergleich, who rarely quiet, good old journalism has become. Compared to the bold, argumentative, but often not very informative articles extends beyond this: he is heard "from the old school." This need not be really bad. "
Maar zelf de Zwitserse Straatkrant, 'Surprise No 244/11 of 18 February to 3 March 2011 ', schrijft erover in' anthroposophy. at a spiritual elevation ':
' In Solothurn, 6500-people-village Dornach Anthroposophy is the spiritual center of thousands from around the world. On the 150th Birthday of Rudolf Steiner, the founder of this belief, Surprise Annäherungsversuch beware einen an eine Welt Unbekannte. " More
has not yet read. That only happens when the next issue comes out and it is retrievable from the repository. As further appears all the press, we simply the web portal 'Anthromedia' advice. With quite a few radio broadcasts, newspapers and magazines to the say nothing. The web is constantly updated, the quantity and quality is incredible. In the Netherlands the news is not as! So I'm going through neighborhoods with our eastern neighbors. First with the insignificant 'Badische Zeitung', in which Bettina Schulte wrote on February 19 humorous over 'The world headquarters' (vooral ook kijkt u even naar de mooie foto's):
' Rudolf Steiner created a solid case for his theory: A visit to the 150th Dornach Birthday of the founder of anthroposophy.
The first look: disbelief. The first impression: a modern fortress, a huge bunker of gravitational mass and yet unreal as a mirage. A foreign body of gray concrete from another planet, put on this little staid Swiss village with its 6300 inhabitants, its two churches and numerous clubs. A world apart, on the homepage of the community Dornach in canton Solothurn barely mention is made. The population was boosted by the arrival of the anthroposophical movement, it says succinctly. In the twenties of the 20th Century, when Rudolf Steiner through the provision of a local dentist was given the opportunity here to build the center for its belief, has doubled the population of Dornach. The tensions that need to be created from them are still tangible. Around the world headquarters of Anthroposophy, the powerful Goetheanum, have established themselves the followers of Steiner's teachings and ideas of architecture in the modest size can be stone. If you drive through the streets, we meet people who are so dressed as you would expect from anthroposophists: in colorful natural products with not exactly figure-hugging cuts.
The ghettoization of the anthroposophic community in Dornach, says Wolfgang Held, was used to worse. Today we live more relaxed. Wolfgang Held, a thin, pale man with intelligent eyes, is the Goetheanum responsible for public relations. He welcomes the visitor to the office, but sits right in the bright, airy reception room of the building, which has a completely different appearance from the inside than from outside. You look through the large window into a vorfrühlingshafte parkland, a few Kids rake up the last leaves of autumn, further away, on a hill, has been in the intense sun, a group of young people gathered. Come out of the village or are guests of the Goetheanum? No matter. In the rest of the Steiner's magic mountain of the sculptures in the spirit of the founder lined Steiner archive, with the floral concrete tower of the cogeneration plant and the reduced-size replica of the first Goetheanum in sight all are admitted who are here. On a normal day like this, without conference or other event, there are few. But among those few there are many striking boy. The vast open spaces around the building provide ample space for strollers. Why are so bare, no trees and no flowers to bring nature closer to the bucket elements: Then know Wolfgang Held no right answer.
And that's saying something. For Wolfgang Held's a great ambassador for the teaching Steiner and its manifestation in concrete. Great, because he, despite his Steeped being-the ideas of anthroposophy structure and main idea of the Goetheanum - the Rudolf Steiner House God Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the poet and naturalist in search of what holds the world together in the depths of that reverence turns - even can make comprehensible to the non-Steinianer. How many adolescents was held, which he only briefly touches in his youth in search of something that is greater than the material consumption.
Instead of a Christian influence he came to a magnetic field of the interdenominational anthroposophy, even in Muslim countries such as Egypt develops its influence. These days you look so special to this country on the move, in which the alternative Nobel Prize winner Ibrahim Abouleish under the theme "Business of Love" has long been prescribed for organic agriculture. There
1000 anthroposophical anthroposophical schools and 2000 kindergartens around the world. The Society for Anthroposophy which has its headquarters in Dornach, of course, counts 50,000 members. The movement knows to report to the appointed expert, 800 seminars, conferences and courses are held annually in the inner sanctum of the doctrine - the day before, gathered here 700 farmers who are struggling with other problems than with dioxin. Since the financial crisis, says Wolfgang Held, particularly expanding the anthroposophical banking. Founded 30 years ago GLS-Bank, which operates as the first ethical banking has enormous popularity. No wonder, Wolfgang Held, were the Anthroposophical Society's bankers but the only ones who have not participated in the bubble to bad real estate loans. For taking interest for money, contrary to Rudolf Steiner's beliefs. As an apple spoils if it is not eaten, says Wolfgang Held, the principle of Stein's money economy, money should not be hoarded, but are brought into circulation: even a negative interest rate for accumulated financial wealth he has provided. Appealing idea, which act in the global turbo-capitalism so unworldly as the Goetheanum in Dornach.
Over the Cathedral of anthroposophy and the brain of the movement, the School of Humanities, with its eleven sections Wolfgang Held their headquarters would be the institution that anthroposophic medicine, agriculture, fine arts (architecture, sculpture, painting) , Time arts (drama, eurythmy, music, game shows), natural science, mathematics and astronomy, social sciences and youth together to see as a future lab. For this thought, he almost gets into a rage - if one can call for a balance of inside and outside, man and nature, self and others aspiring mind it. 150 years after Rudolf Steiner's birth - 26 February 1861 - are anthroposophy in a creative crisis, says Wolfgang Held. "You must learn to walk on their own feet." How they be able to release in of their father Steiner, the "genius" (hero), remains in talks vague. The fact that Steiner's Thought is now firmly in the middle of society and their guide being, so it is no doubt. But whether the spiritual dimension of teaching, which starts like any spiritual movement that more is behind the surface of appearances, thought of as the common understanding may, in the secular consumer society is echoed, is doubtful. "We lost the myth," says Wolfgang Held. One could also say the meaning. And he quotes an enigmatic to outsiders set of Rudolf Steiner: "Butterflies are flowers that have come alive." Mysticism is not a dirty word for hero.
crucial for the success of anthroposophy is something else. "They are answers that have been proven in practice." Whether the gigantomaniac construction of the Goetheanum is one of them? Well, yes. Back in the twenties, the building in concrete was revolutionary. After the first Goetheanum, a wooden building with two domes in the most beautiful art style, just two years after the construction of arson victim had fallen, the Prophet wanted to create a solid vessel for his teaching. That it was this fortress, which symbolizes inwardly drawn outer skin, the correspondence between the walls and the surrounding area, more than succeeded. Even hero must admit that Steiner turned a big wheel or a "thick has thrown stone. "
But the main function room with its light colors and a monstrous catheter offers more than 1000 listeners space. Immersed in rainbow colors back staircase takes at first for a - what is highly self by Steiner in many meters of wood carved worldview can not say. If art is relegated to the Transport for ideas, it loses its creative force and becomes a poor illustration - why anthroposophy has produced in aesthetics rather embarrassing as eurythmy. Especially someone like Rudolf Steiner would have to be clear. One wonders.
The most compelling approaches can be reported in the broad field between the service of nature and humans. If man, one with a reason, senses and mind and the ability to by the rational through cross-recognition (Steiner: "The trail leads to the heart over the head") being endowed at the center of thought and action is - not the economy, should just today give rise to a new orientation. It looks anyway Wolfgang Held, who sees the wisdom of teaching people the future. "What advances the world is always a small area," he says. And refers to the Green Party Chairman Renate Kuenast, the other day was in Dornach and encourages the Anthroposophists has "shamelessly Close alliances" Shameless: shrugs at the word Wolfgang Held together a bit. But it comes to alliances, when you look into responsibility for the world. Alliances with like-minded people. With food, Greenpeace, Thilo Bode and with the Goethe-Institut. In the 150th Birthday of its founder, the anthroposophy, it seems more alive than ever. " Dan heb ik
here de 'Stuttgarter Nachrichten' van februari 18, waarin Markus Heffner schrijft over 'From Uhlandshöhe in the world':
'anniversaryThe teachings of Rudolf Steiner have spread from the east of the city as an exhibition show.
In Stuttgart East all began. There, high up on the Uhlandshöhe, in September 1919, the first Waldorf school was opened - located on the premises of the then popular restaurant "to Uhlandshöhe", which was then still in Kanonenweg, now Haußmannstraße. A short time later was taken directly adjacent to the Eurythmeum another by Rudolf Steiner inspired decor in operation, and also founded by Steiner Anthroposophical Society appealed the foundation for their headquarters
Even today, a century later, the Uhlandshöhe the center of the anthroposophical movement founded by Rudolf Steiner that world view that has spread from Stuttgart on all continents. On the 150th Birthday of the Austrian philosopher and reformer, who on 27 February is pending, this year the world remembers with numerous events to Steiner, from Manila to Prague and Vienna to Sao Paulo. In the Stuttgart Art Museum has been running since early February, the special show Cosmos Rudolf Steiner, a second exhibition on the life and work of the most important and simultaneously most controversial reform of the 20th Century is now also at the Rudolf-Steiner-house the Uhlandshöhe been opened.
The three-part review is to document Steiner Stuttgart period 1882-1924, for which the makers have dug in various archives to historical images of the time, for letters, diaries, postcards, programs, drawings and other exhibits. "We want to show the importance of Stuttgart had to Steiner and how important its relations with the people here were," says Andreas Neider, editor of several publications anthroposophic and former director of the publishing free intellectual life.
The first visible track leads in the Stuttgart Spemann Verlag, who then published the first writings of the young student Steiner on "Goethean world view". This was the cornerstone of Steiner's relationship to Stuttgart been laid, says Neider, who has written to request the Art Museum with the town historian Harald Schukraft in the anniversary year, a recently published book on Steiner in Stuttgart. A time-consuming pioneering work for the authors, which has equal worth, but twice. For much of the material, which was funded in this exercise, now part of the exhibition, which follow in the rest of the book concept is so envious.
Why does Steiner here of all his intellectual breeding ground found, on which he sketched his utopia? Who influenced him? And who is funding the implementation? This show was a major concern, so envious, I also want to show the historical places still exist. The house at 70 Cottage Street, for instance, in the Steiner lived, the Gustav-Siegle-Haus, where he made speeches. The home of friendly manufacturer del Monte on the Uhlandshöhe. The former cigarette factory Waldorf-Astoria in the pecking street, whose owner Emil Molt, a Theosophist and free thinkers, better educational opportunities for the children of his workers wanted - and thus the momentum and namesake of the Waldorf schools was. "This productive mixture of spiritual search of movement and inventiveness," Neider sagt, "Damals typical war für Stuttgart."
The last two articles up to strains of 'Die Welt' and 'Die Zeit' and are not shorter than the last. Quite the opposite in 'Die Zeit'. But here again very worthwhile. I begin with Freund:
" Vor 150 Jahren wurde born Rudolf Steiner, der der Begründer Anthroposophie. Sein ist heute aktueller denn Vermächtnis you. But the best Reformbewegung ist keine, wenn sie nicht Bereit ist, sich ständig again called into question.
He loved the station. Not only because the father was head here, but because the boy loved the art. The railway, the progress. Therefore, he stayed as a child spending time in the small railway station in the Lower Austrian Pottschach. Where he, like Rudolf Steiner claimed many years later, the age of seven an experience was that he, the technology enthusiasts, the first time the existence of a "spiritual world" revealed: The year was 1868, when he meets in the waiting room the ghost of his Aunt his will, which had just taken his own life and now asked the boys as much as he could for them to do.
That many who begin to deal with Rudolf Steiner, respond to alleged biographical experiences of this kind of head-shaking wonder. The article also applies to the eyebrows, the Steiners may cause contention in the Akashic Records to, a supernatural book that will include everything that has ever happened in the world. The series of statements in Rudolf Steiner's writings and lectures of 6000, which sound strange to the enlightened, scientifically influenced people is long. And it is in regard to his race-theoretical model, which ascribes the different skin colors, different strengths and weaknesses and considered the "white race" as the future, as more delicate.
All this does not change the fact that one of Rudolf Steiner is now not easy to come by. That it is the founder of anthroposophy, which at 150 years ago, 27 Born February 1861 in the railway keeper's house of today Croat Kraljevic was with is a unique personality. No other German-speaking thinkers of the 20th Century imprinted with his teachings and pulses now so many areas of life as he. Many were the life reformers who sought since the beginning of industrialization in Germany for alternatives to the modern world to the sad life in dreary tenements, to large urban communities, who knew no longer a community to a world view that has abolished the hereafter, and reduced the people to its work force. Many once had a large following - most are now largely forgotten. Rudolf Steiner has created with anthroposophy at all questionable idea of a building that has as an alternative to modernity never much up to date and relevant today than ever. Whether they are the products of inspired by Steiner, biodynamic agriculture, natural cosmetics, holistic medicine, art, architecture or the special education offerings - no belief shapes the daily lives more than Anthroposophy. And the religious life has been given by Rudolf Steiner decisive impetus in 1922 led to the founding of the Christian Community. " Today it has around the world communities.
The most important opinion leaders, however, include the Waldorf schools, which can save not only with regard to the abuse scandals in religious institutions and reform schools no registrations. More than 1,000 Waldorf schools worldwide, including over 200 in Germany. 1945, there had been only six. show
As a recent study by the University of Dusseldorf, Waldorf students are happier than in their schools Students of state schools. You have less fear of the teaching they find interesting in general as the pupils of the traditional institutions. This is hardly surprising in a classroom that has no marks, no sitting and standing, but much time for art, music, theater and working on the farm. Anyone who thinks that the young people who are released after twelve years Cuddle school to real life are doomed to failure, is wrong. Should view the list of successful Waldorf pupils who of Hollywood stars like Sandra Bullock and Jennifer Aniston to economic variables such as the manager Wolfgang Porsche, the former President of the Federation of German Industry, Michael Rogowski enough.
Waldorf schools teach just with their own methodology not only useful knowledge, but also in the increased extent in the workplace soft skills in demand, which is above all a strong personality-free. This is so special about the anthroposophy: this reflection on the self, these suggestions, to ask for the meaning to be self-reliant but also social, humble and grateful for life, which provides for Steiner's view for each task. These are invaluable life support. Nevertheless, many questions, head shaking and frowning. Largely unanswered , as explained by the break in Steiner's life: his jump from the editor of the scientific writings of Goethe, who sympathized with Nietzsche's atheism, the German Secretary of the Theosophical Society and eventually became the founder of anthroposophy, which seeks to promote the psychic ability to know the people.
At one but there can be no doubt that Steiner was a humanitarian. He, the son of railroad, which has developed with his studies in mathematics, natural history, chemistry and physics ever was, in practice against discrimination. It also change the difficult passages in Steiner's work on the race nothing. In South Africa such as the Waldorf schools were at the time of apartheid, the only ones where black and white children were taught together. What one can blame many anthroposophists however, is a fossil. Necessary is certainly a critical examination of the uniformity that can be observed at the Waldorf educational institutions and at times difficult to reconcile with the claim propagated on individual support seems. Also the lack of willingness to discuss in kindergartens on possible variations of rituals seems anachronistic.
150 years Rudolf Steiner: The world keeps turning. And the best reform movement is not, wenn sie nicht Bereit ist, sich ständig wieder zu infrage ask. "
Finally, "Die Zeit" of 17 February, Martin Spiewak a very comprehensive article written also about the Waldorf schools, it is rather a report, entitled "Waldorf School. Guter Menschen eine Schmiede ':
"If Leistungsdruck Alternative zu Pisa und Staatliche Stress an Schulen ist die heute gefragt who Waldorfpädagogik nie.
Diese Schulen sind ein Starkes Stück. 35 Children urge sich im Schnitt in einem Raum here. Selbst nach zwei Jahren noch nicht lesen können viele Schüler. Die Lehrer the first eight classes have usually have no scientifically recognized training. Instead, following their pedagogy to the ideas of a man who was himself childless, never longer stand before a class, believed in reincarnation, and preaching, a teacher should explore the previous lives of his students. Actually, it is unlikely to give parents who send their children to such schools. Actually, you should assume that their students learn very little. Actually, every education authority in these schools would have a priori refuse authorization.
In this case, all slightly different.
In September 1919, the lecture travelers Rudolf Steiner for the children of workers of the Stuttgart Waldorf-Astoria cigarette factory school. Today, there are Waldorf schools in all major German cities, new ones added each year. Although the "Waldis" make government-dominated education system of Germany, only one percent of the student body. The attraction of Waldorf education reaches far beyond it. Because it speaks especially to education-conscious families in this country and internationally. More than 1,000 schools worldwide rely on Steiner. His ideas are among the major export items of German culture, along with those of Wilhelm von Humboldt for the University and Friedrich Froebel for school.
Every morning the students call God and the sun
What is behind the most successful educational reform initiative in the 20th Century? Why are almost all Waldorf schools are far more applications than they have seats? And even when parents have to pay school fees and are regularly assigned to the cleaning service. And How much of Steiner's world view is still in its schools?
It's half past eight, Berlin is still in the gray morning. On this day, Maja Young service at the main entrance of the Waldorf School in Kreuzberg and expects the school community. First graders with her mother at his side, carrying briefcases colleagues, young people with ear plugs in, hundreds pass by the young teacher, she greets everyone with a handshake. A little later the teacher repeats the welcome ritual in their own classroom, combined with personal words.
"I'm something special," and "We belong together" with this double message, the students begin their day. Nearly half an hour Maja Young used it to kidnap her students in the Waldorf world. "Arrive," called the teacher spread this dim a light with a candle, when the girls and boys from the third grade song recite, sing and poems, Recorders following their class teacher, go through the rows of tables. Like Snow White dwarfs behind her. At the end of the choreography to call the children of God and the sun, "as it was Rudolf Steiner provided in the daily morning spell.
Only then can withdraw Maja boy the curtains, and begins the actual instruction. Grammar is on this morning on the curriculum, like yesterday and like tomorrow. Three to four weeks at the class deals with a theme, era called. There are no books, nor the obligatory task copies elsewhere. The children will acquire the substance itself, with the whole body. Punctuation are sung, danced numbers, letters, and carried around in calligraphy listed Epoch magazine. Of course, only with crayons, depositary of each child in a self-sewn bag.
The Waldorf world is friendly, soft and sorted. In your house - long after the first class - fairies, good witches and biblical prophets. It eschews bright colors and hard angles, knows neither grades nor sitting and standing. No student has to leave the school because he missed claims. To the last class community that stays together.
This pedagogical parallel universe is no longer just convinced Steiner-trailers, the 'at a eurythmy performance the "etheric body hover look of the dancer. In the Kreuzberg Waldorf school, they should clearly be in the minority. Here, the next alternative scene married to the educated middle class. Most parents are academics, many artistically and financially in need people like Thomas Rechlin for example, a 47-year-old merchant, who also managed the school's finances. Supernatural is alien to him, the meaning of many things one would want to ask more often, he says - especially in school, "in which it has to go for it more," to cram as fuel and to prepare the children for the struggle.
His son Jonathan was here like most of his classmates already the Waldorf kindergarten. The concern of educators to each individual child has impressed his father. In school, he found them. I say it once pathetic: At our school is the human being "in the center, says Rechlin. He speaks "of the" state school, then drop words such as "Drill" and "selection".
The heated drives post-Pisa-debate to the Steiner schools new students. In view of numerous reforms appears certain the former experiment Waldorf as a haven of stability. Many Waldorf schools have reported that, after the End of primary school could open a new class: with refugees from the state system who want to escape the pressure to perform, the shortened high school years.
The Steiner pedagogy promises, however, the children of "holistic" individual "and" to address inclusive. " All three words in the current educational discourse desire to appear on the homepage of the Kreuzberg Waldorf school right on the first page. These pictures of students who make music, perform plays and knead clay. When you enter the sprawling campus - with its trees and workshops, the children's garden and nursery - he thinks he is in a green, quiet village in the middle of a gray and are fast track.
In Kreuzberg Rechlin has also looked at other schools. The harsh climate there made him fear for his son: "I was afraid that Jonathan gets something on his cap," Rechlin calls it "the" Rütli fear.. Also at Waldorf schools learn immigrant children, even quite a lot in Kreuzberg. But can they count on education-conscious parents, such as those from Bangladesh father, who said the interview, he did not want his son to loud Turkish-born young of the "only foreigners is".
For of social exclusivity assume the parents are not only the three "Bs" of participation - baking, building, sheet metal - into account but also the charge of being fallen into a kind of cult. Thomas drives the Rechlin not look back. Once he started a book by Steiner. With difficulty he found the text to make sense in many places. He soon abandoned it. "In the school day does not matter all that, fortunately," because he is sure. Indeed, there is no expert on Waldorf schools anthroposophy. This has already ruled out Steiner. He urged the teachers, however, his teaching "organically into the classroom to bring in".
Where you see the traces of Steiner's in your classroom, Mrs. Young? "Nowhere, the teacher and says," everywhere. " It would depend on what you knew about the Waldorf education. Before the start of the German lesson she has painted as a twelve-pointed star on the board. His tips adorn letters. The children see only a brilliant drawing, the students the alphabet closer. However, insiders recognize immediately the deeper anthroposophical sense. Institutions, characteristics, seasons, celestial bodies: After Steiner everything is somehow related to each other, so the consonants to the planets. By the star on the blackboard to the cosmic forces exert their inspirational effect on children. "I leave this old knowledge in Classroom live without us "to talk about it, says the teacher. would
Prospective teachers study Steiner's beliefs in each course
As anthroposophist not call boy, she says. But eight years of education, only to the class teacher, then to eurythmist at the Institute for Waldorf Education in Witten-Annen, near Dortmund, they have shaped. Its students take on Steiner in each course. Whether it straight to math, history or German as a foreign language is: more and his music on the reading list. In the course of natural history Metamorphoses plants are not only described but also meditated ". And who wants to can write his thesis about the "hierarchy of the angels with Rudolf Steiner."
preach the same time, the teachers again and again that one should make the anthroposophical teachings not a dogma. "Steiner himself has said that we should examine everything critically, what he has written," says Gerd Kellermann, who is something of the spokesman of the Institute, like all institutions Waldorf has no leader, but is led collegial.
A scientific training, as required by the Basic Law actually for teachers of private schools is not it. Steiner-critical literature is lacking in the curriculum, educational journals are nowhere in the library. Only one of the twenty lecturers with a PhD. It's a bit like the teacher training of the 19 Century: teachers teach future colleagues, in Witten-Annen with lots of personal attention and practical knowledge, but without binding to the established pedagogy. But you sing a lot in common and learn to paint beautiful paintings. A sister institution of the Witten Institute, the Free University of Mannheim failed, the Science Council earlier this month of recognition.
Training in Witten and elsewhere makes their students but not disciples, rather solid craftsmen for Waldorf workshop. In the later school day also will wear off much. Steiner said the people in sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic and choleric and called together enforce the types in the class and tailor the lessons to them. Should the sanguine on the subject play a wind instrument music, however, prefers the melancholic violin. Maja Young's opinion of the doctrine of temperaments little: "In class, she helps me continue not"
Many schools go with the Steiner-heritage pragmatically
Presumably, such pragmatism is now common. and decreased the fossilization of many colleges. According to a new, previously unpublished Study of the Düsseldorf education researcher Heiner Barz, only 13 percent of the Waldorf school in the church founded by Steiner confirmed, the Christian Community, thus stem from Anthroposophenfamilien. Although, 65 percent of young people surveyed, they would know the ideas behind the education of their school. "Specifically, they could but not much more than the name Steiner called" so Barz. The majority was Former Barz, according to the anthroposophy even "indifferent, skeptical or negative set." At the same time showed the Waldorf students more satisfied with their school than their peers from state institutions. They have less fear of school, the lessons are interesting.
The popular assumption Waldis were at the end of their schooling while creative, but otherwise had not learned much true, probably not. The Central School in North Rhine-Westphalia Waldorf schools do a bit worse than the state schools, but better than other comprehensive schools. For Austria, the Federal Institute for Human Development bifie Pisa has compared data in the natural sciences together. It turned out that Waldorf students - even taking into account their social background better - with their performance in the national average are. Their motivation to learn, however, is significantly higher.
still standing Waldorf independent research in the beginning. The Mainz educator Professor Heiner Ullrich, one of the few connoisseurs of the scene displayed in the schools is still a "considerable amount" of ideological unity. At the same time he emphasized, "every institution is a" cosmos of its own. Waldorf schools work independently and are only to its own teachers and parents accountable. No state school board stops by, the federal government sets the Waldorf schools in Stuttgart in establishing only the standards. Later, he meddles no more.
in all Waldorf schools observed amazing historical continuities. The Jupiter day, for example, vulgo Thursday Steiner saw in front of teacher conferences, not only in Kreuzberg, keep to it until today. Every third class begins with the story of Adam and Eve, in high school we read in the twenties the Parzival. other hand, shows that many Waldorf schools to experiment. In Mannheim they target immigrants in Kreuzberg to support students. Five children sit with a handicap in the class of Maja boy who receives support from a special education teacher.
All students have to work a few weeks on a farm
Even the hitherto sacrosanct principle of class teachers is no longer unquestioned. From the first to the eighth grade boy accompanied their students. Besides the parents, no one knows the children as good as them. Mature products are character studies. From such a relationship may be intrusive proximity, continuity of bungling. Class teachers have to - give all the main subjects themselves, which they did not name any depth in a course of study - except in foreign languages. You need to develop the knowledge itself and its students are technically sometimes little more than one hour ahead.
approaches through puberty, are piling up in the "borderless" relationship of teachers and students (Heiner Ullrich) Moreover, the problems. In the early years was her teacher as "God was," recalls the 18-year-old Charlotte Streffer. In the upper classes it was then passed with the harmony. Much more critical is the articulate upper level student with the stubble haircut despite much thought but one not. But countless experiences that will always connect to their school: the forestry internship, as the class of felled trees, the three weeks at a farm in Brandenburg - "I have never had so much physical work" -; the student exchange with Moscow, the class trip on a traditional sailing ship on the Baltic Sea.
About Steiner Streffer would just feel more experienced. Why did, for example, all students from fifth to twelfth grade dance in flowing robes eurythmy? "Told us that no one." '
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