Afgelopen woensdag zijn op de website van het Goetheanum de gegevens van het geplaatst ' Budget 2011 ' (het wordt al op de homepage aangekondigd):
'Dear members, patrons and friends,at this point you will find our budget for the year 2011 in different representations.
Inhalte:Budget 2011 Kommentar von Paul Mackay (kommt)
Für Fragen steht IhnenHerr Benjamin Kohlhase gerne zur Verfügung-Zollner. "
are a lot of numbers together, taking you through the forest for the trees soon lose. In any case, the 'Erfolgsrechnung' areas in which cutbacks are made, the total budget is nearly four and half million fewer than in 2010. Most savings in staff: two and half million. But we have to wait for the comments of the new treasurer Paul Mackay before we hear more about the thoughts behind. Oddly enough, there is not the currency in which the amounts intended. At first I thought it was Swiss francs, but because in 2010 the total was 21 million (reduced in 2011 to over sixteen and half million), I must conclude that the euro's. This I infer from the text 'Contribution to the AAG "(General Anthroposophic Society, or General Anthroposophical Society) from the 2007 annual report of the Anthroposophical Society in the Netherlands:
"The approximately 48,000 members from around the world are together more than € 3 million to operate a total of € 21 million of the AAG, which contains no more than a narrow 14%."
This got me on February 12, 2010 in " Share . The text of the report goes right through with this:
"Other income comes from legacies, institute fees, income earned by the university (research and conferences), also earned from gate receipts, general conferences, and a substantial dividend from the Weleda group, in which the AAG has a majority interest. Despite this year been credited to the reserves. In 2007 an advisory program began with aim to increase transparency and a better cost to come. In 2008 worked on other formal relationship with the Weleda Group. "
What we immediately stumbled on the following problem. Because that is currently going again. Not coincidentally, I started on the same February 12, 2010 with coverage of issues surrounding the 2010 annual meeting. Because there was massive opposition to the conduct of the administration to Weleda any shares to cover deficits. The board had at first share issue new shares and then purchased at a higher price to one third, non-anthroposophic party resale. Leader of this movement was against tax advisor Hardorp Benedict. For he was by no means alone. At the annual meeting he had with several prominent anthroposophical a motion in which this practice was strictly rejected. In subsequent messages, I dig out all of this are: in 'Motion "on March 20, 2010," Silent ' on April 3, "Real " on April 8 and " Press" on April 17, 2010. The 2010 annual meeting of the AAG itself took place on 27 and 28 March 2010.
Last Tuesday, February 15, I had ' Advertising Channels ' most recent post about the solution that the government believed he had found the financial management of General Anthroposophical Society, Goetheanum and to revive: the creation of a special "Goetheanum Foundation" led by the outgoing Treasurer Cornelius Pietzner (see also "found " on July 14, 2010, "Saving " on September 25 and " Goetheanumwatcher " on December 4, 2010). But this intention is not agreeable Benedict Hardorp and friends, I read it on the website of 'Info3. Editor Felix Hau message 'Initiative kritisiert Investmentabsichten of "Goetheanum-Stiftung':
" Im September 2010 was founded by the current Treasurer of the General Anthroposophical Society (AAG), Cornelius Pieterse, an organization with the purpose to obtain much needed funding to the Goetheanum. This "Goetheanum Foundation" - legally independent of the Anthroposophical Society - on the one hand solicit donations, may be other, by the co-operation with intentionally connected, but commercial scale investment company, the Alterra AG, fed by differential extraction, the Alterra AG in the "private equity "wants to generate sector. In plain language this means it is using the name and reputation of the Goetheanum possible low interest bearing capital stock of 30 to 50 million Swiss francs will be raised from investors, which is then, a higher return invested elsewhere, the difference in income flows, the Foundation, or the Goetheanum.
Four prominent members of the Anthroposophical Society - Wolfgang Gutberlet, Dr. Benedict Hardorp, Prof. Dr. Götz Rehn and Prof. Götz Werner - have teamed up for the occasion into a "brand protection initiative group" and criticize the proposed amalgamation of Anthroposophic Society with the practice of investment banking. Object of criticism is the transfer of the name "Goetheanum" on the Cornelius Pieterse established foundation, which was made without actually necessary approval of the membership of the AAG and members of the initiative as an interference with de ['the' of 'the'?, MG] is spiritual substance and the property of the company understood.
on on 16 April held this year's General Assembly of the AAG will provide the initiative group an application that refers to the formal name usage. In a Info3 current draft of the proposal, the board of the AAG asked to "do all in its legal and other power to do in order to transfer the name Goetheanum the Goetheanum Foundation (...) immediately to withdraw. " In the detailed rationale for the application states, inter alia with regard to the proposed equity business, "Such 'levies results' are, however, from the life and work performance in most cases not with the objectives of the Anthroposophical Society's Goetheanum and loving people. They are made available without their knowledge or consent in this way for the anthroposophical objectives of the Goetheanum. That should anthroposophical social science as a human be in doubt. "'
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