Today is the final goal achieved, thereby becoming the beginning. For this birthday is of course the ultimate point: Steiner's 150th birthday. If I still think of how it all began with plans for the festivities ... I was certainly skeptical. Read " Passport" on January 31, 2010, only after. And you have noticed in recent weeks, I became more excited. Now I live every day with the Rudolf Steiner Express and follow them closely. Today it reached Vienna, where the travelers a receipt is prepared in the Hofburg, with a welcome by the Austrian Federal President and I think a classical concert. But first had to make the necessary hardships, as befits a survival. Yesterday it was reported on a "trans Sibirische Eisenbahn ':
" Im Speisewagen ist die Heizung ausgefallen. Women in Travel Enden und Mützen zittern that. Der Preis für Tee bleibt bei zwei Euro warm. "
Later that day came this message from ' Neudörfl ':
Der RS150 befindet sich aktuell in Neudorfl Express. Die Grunde aus historischem, vorgehängte Diesel Lock wechselte während das Zugende that Zuggemeinde Herzlich Empfang wurde mit Reason. Derzeit walk for wagons separate groups through the village, led by local lawyers and experts, and then again to a coffee break in the local Rudolf Steiner Cultural Center to come together. Here for coffee water from the spa Sauerbrunn is served by Steiner experts from the fairy tale of the miracle a source term. The sun glitzlt that the train sold Waldorf-Astoria cigarette prazzelt and the beloved of Viennese apple strudel bruzzelt Steiner in the furnace to the pilgrims. " We hebben ook
een reporting Gehad over 'arrival in Brunn am Gebirge', maar dat is nu net vanochtend helaas vervangen door ' * Vienna ':
'Rudolf Steiner Express stays 150 in Garage Wiener, who Zugbewohner während zum feiern durch die Strassen ziehen. "
There is something added, at the very beginning: "Flashmob Das offizielle Video . I have in recent days had already extensively. And if we start video contemporaries, I can still recommend a few Ridzerd Dijk. Who has the opportunity to increase the joy in his anniversary message " Rudolf Steiner 150 years " two beautiful set. But Hugo Verbrugh can be determined along. In his "Midnight Sun" he is today no less than five posts at intervals of two and half hours, successively ' 27/02/1861. A birthday cake with candles for 150 Steiner "exactly at midnight," 27/02/1861. A World-Rudolf Steiner Anthroposophy year to a worldwide scale? 'at half past two last night, " 02/27/1861. Anthroposophy, to square the circle and the grace 'for five hours early in the morning, 27/02/1861. The Rudolf Steiner Gesamtausgabe Wikileaks as a kind of "avant la date? 'at half past seven this morning and the last, " 27/02/1861. Ask Rudolf Steiner: " you actually answer the final questions? "" to ten hours. You do not have to worry whether Verbrugh sometimes shows signs of insomnia, because this is all nicely pre-programmed. '15 These bits of text on anthroposophy and Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) in five portions' under the title "I hope I'm not too bored," in the style we are accustomed Hugo Verbrugh :
'1. "... anthroposophist - but still ... "2. Rudolf Steiner and we3. "He looked right through you"4. It could be otherwise5. A new link in the golden chain between man and the cosmos6. I, my money and my freedom7. "Careful nothing"8. Content, interaction, process9. "What does a name mean?"10. "I did not know I had it in me"11. The written legacy of Rudolf Steiner12. "The natural things are not shameful"13. Why would a man want to know anything about anthroposophy?14. A neurotic marmot15. What do I do? Without reincarnation nowhere! "
The best response to date came right at a quarter past two tonight in the first portion of "Joost sr ':
"Exaggeration you now not that little bit with Steiner? It seems to be Jesus Christ Superstar. I heard today that I know how many millions of responses were on a site about God. Sorry, I occasionally uncontrollable desire to pester. "
Moreover, the imminent closure of the Movie Blog is (temporarily) averted. They remain at least until June 1 online. By this time a takeover by publisher Sanoma planned. This was announced on February 22. Read the latest comments on ' Vkblog, adieu: DW 3, countdown (2). Roman Catholic Church, also bye? There may come a "church permit" . And while Verbrugh already was taking extended leave recently, throughout the month of February in fact. He confessed the next day ' There is always the unexpected: we will continue our Vkblog! A message about security and so "in an existential crisis have ended:
" Can I insure against any future existential crisis when I last time've made after the liquidation of our Uk Blog by March 1 threatened ?
What else on the Internet in honor of the 150th birthday? I'm not so much, not least in the Netherlands. Maybe it is today, it is also possible. The Goetheanum its homepage adjusted. Same applies to the homepage of the weekly Das Goetheanum. But much more than that is not. It seems that De Stentor an article about 150 years Steiner has appeared, but I have not seen. Furthermore, I believe no newspaper or magazine is non-anthroposophical attention. So we must again move to the German speaking countries, because this is totally different. Yesterday in 'Die Welt Online' a detailed article about Rudolf Steiner who beeinflusst wieder Avantgarde. Mateo Kries is one of the two directors of the Vitra Design Museum and curator of the exhibition 'Rudolf Steiner - The Alchemy des Alltag. Hij schrijft in 'The World':
'More than Waldorf or esoteric. Meanwhile, artists such as Konstantin Grcic and Olafur Eliasson belong to Rudolf Steiner.
It started weeks ago. First published three biographies bring to light in Steiner's secretive life to. One wonders of "time" to "Star", what the "myth of Waldorf School" was it. And on Thursday launched a special train, the various stations of Steiner's life and leaves is expected to arrive this Sunday in Vienna. There, the highlight will be held the birthday celebrations, a festival in Vienna Imperial Palace under the auspices of the Austrian Federal President. The occupation of the Honorary Committee of Jakob von Uexküll enough to the Austrian ski legend Franz Klammer.
Measured on the excitement scale of the cultural industry attention, Steiner is with such a birthday program near the top. A few years ago this would have been unthinkable. Steiner was the founder of an alternative culture in the margins of society, not as part of our overall cultural landscape. At regular intervals, breaking allegations of racism and anti-Semitism on a regular basis, these re-buried. So what has led to the Steiner now experiencing such a breakthrough in public perception?
About Goethe he came to nature mysticism
worthwhile purpose, first a look at our current picture of Rudolf Steiner. He was born in 1861 in the small patches Kraljevec southeast of Vienna, in what is now Croatia. After his graduation he studied in Vienna with Franz Brentano, hired himself as a teacher, worked from 1890 in Weimar at the Goethe Sophia output and a doctorate in Heinrich von Stein in Rostock on "The fundamental question of epistemology with special reference to Fichte. Soon he found himself again in Berlin, where he was literary Magazines published in artist circles with Stefan Zweig and Else Lasker-Schüler wrong and the teaching of Wilhelm Liebknecht founded workers' education school. Everything pointed to a promising career as a writer and philologist.
But early Steiner had been found open to spiritual movements in the late 19 Century were everywhere. On Goethe, he had come to questions of nature mysticism and symbolism of colors, 1902, he became general secretary of the Theosophical Society in Germany. When confronted with the occult shares of that company were too strong, he founded in 1913, as if this mutual counter-model, the Anthroposophical Society.
The basic ideas of Anthroposophy Steiner sketched in the years before, they circled around the central questions of life reform movement, so pretty much everything: the relationship between mind and matter, between art and technology, man and cosmos, about healthy nutrition and proper child education, but also curious to topics such as angels and hierarchies alchemical elements teachings.
Since Steiner Anthroposophy quickly spread to live very close ranges, it spread with astonishing momentum. 1914 to 1918 was created for the growing number of companions known as the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland, and with him a still existing colony. In 1919, Steiner became the founder of Waldorf schools, in 1924 he initiated the biodynamic agriculture, he also founded companies with names like "The next day," from which today's global companies like Weleda are formed.
found in his books are strange things
to Steiner's funeral in Basel, thousands of people. Preceded the funeral procession drove a Maybach, had given him the same industrial family to commute between Dornach and Stuttgart, where now there were a number of anthroposophical institutions.
on such a sketchy outline of Steiner's life so far, most conflicts were based with his ideas. Since Steiner was opened up real life and work of the many platitudes also slightly moved is based upon the interpretation of his writings and lectures available, and there are many - over 300 volumes comprising the complete edition of his works to this day. This has not gutgetan Steiner because therein which admittedly were oddities. The result was Steiner's reputation as the Astral-Marx, a New Age guru or, as the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung put it sardonically as "great madman of German intellectual history." They knew little about him, but the Few people knew exactly.
Kandinsky heard his lectures
crumble with the newly awakened interest in Steiner but now the walls of half-knowledge that one has built around him. What emerges is behind it, a figure that is more diverse and more influential than previously thought. A figure whose relevance to our society today we can not ignore, can the same as you stand on particular aspects of Steiner's work.
To reveal the three new biographies of Steiner that it is not in his lifetime was the social distance cult leader, as he gladly placed is. Instead, Steiner was a central figure of the early modern age in the crystallized issues of the day - from the search for the spiritual in art "on the labor question up to the hygiene discourse or the compatibility of natural and social sciences.
Wassily Kandinsky heard his lectures, Franz Kafka was looking at him for advice in literary matters, Piet Mondrian wrote to him, Else Lasker-Schüler regularly asked him for money. burned down in 1922/23 as the first Goetheanum, he expressed the young architect Richard Neutra in Berlin his condolences. In sync with Steiner went through many of these artists 1900-1920, a phase which is called "Forward and could be called desire "of modernity.
When the Bauhaus moved, died Steiner
Eventually, however, began a schism between the avant-garde and Steiner, the Steiner has shaped our perceptions today. From the early 1920s, more and more representatives of the avant-garde expressionist-waving from their lofty ideas of the early modernity to a rationalist course. Steiner and his ideas on the other hand went through this change, because Steiner died in 1925 - and in exactly that year, as for example, the Bauhaus moved from Weimar to Dessau, and broke from its esoteric roots of Johannes Itten. Or as Marcel Breuer's tubular steel chair, designed to put those aesthetics to the world that look to the stone hand-carved wooden furniture today as the establishment of a Dr. Caligari.
With their emancipation from their romantic roots of the modern age began to be seen as a great rationalist project that would inevitably amount to a more rational interpenetration of art and technology. Rudolf Steiner had skin in such an image of modernity is no more room and got gout those of the outsider, we are experiencing today. While Steiner's anthroposophical ideas continued writing almost unchanged, creating a fossil of a particular historical epoch, took the rest of society to appreciate the isolation - because she gave birth to them, to deal further with the actual substance of having to Steiner.
began after the turn of the Renaissance
This division of roles fit perfectly into the image of society of the postwar period, the broad middle class and a clear left-right assignments was marked. Alternative ideas such as the Steiners were in it for no more than the hippie movement, the New Age movement or acceptable as cues for the grassroots founding ideas of the Greens. As late as the 1980s, the Waldorf pupils strange creatures in knitted sweaters, had to in violin lessons, while the other kids in the afternoon the "The Fall Guy" were allowed to watch.
But eventually crumbled the certainty of a homogeneous society in which Steiner was standing on the edge. When the East-West borders fell and disappeared the ideological big conflict of the postwar period, there was a post-ideological society in which there is no single niche for Steiner - but a large number of social groups that Steiner's thoughts on search for meaning, sustainability and responsibility took up in one form or another.
Even Joseph Beuys was impressed
was also for this finding, the art is an important pioneering role. Said Harald Szeemann was already in his legendary exhibition "The slope of the total work of art" 1983 stones and brought them out of their art historical isolation. Exhibition on "occult and avant-garde" in 1995 contributed to the realization that modernism was not just a one-sided rationalist era even, but a bipolar phenomenon, which oscillated between materialism, mechanization, and the many counter-movements. Since then, it is recognized that Steiner such as artists like Joseph Beuys significantly influenced and in our view of history 20th Century will be newly located.
During the 1990s, and in other areas more clearly how far Steiner's ideas have become diffused in our society. Awareness of organic foods was given to the BSE crisis in late 2000, a decisive thrust, since such foods are found in every supermarket. Waldorf schools have become an increasingly pluralistic education market coveted training places, drugs and cosmetics by Weleda and Wala are now found in every pharmacy. Since the economic and financial crisis of 2008 are also Steiner's economic ideas to become a popular topic when it comes to "social entrepreneurship and sustainable business goes.
parallels to everyday aesthetics
This was accompanied by amazing parallels in our contemporary aesthetics of everyday life. In architecture we started talking again of metamorphic forms of ArchiSculpture and organic structures, and what came of it reminded often of building sculptures Steiner, Paul Virilio has called "telluric architecture." At the same time participated in the designs of famous designers such as Konstantin Grcic and the Bouroullec brothers, shapes, reminiscent of the crystalline designs from the hands of Steiner. What in the early modern aesthetics as an experimental Search for meaning began today seems to reflect the diffuse need to provide things and buildings of the digital age with a symbolically charged superstructure.
Considering all these reflections Steiner's ideas in our culture today is so clearly what the amazing rediscovery is based. Unlike almost any other thinker of the 20th Century dared Steiner, aesthetic, philosophical, religious and everyday thoughts of uniting to form a complete panel, the same time the world saw itself as a work of art.
projection of desires
What Steiner "Thinking in Color, in forms" had called and Joseph Beuys to the concept of "social sculpture" inspired, is reflected today in the approach, consider more and more areas of our society as a "design", in addition to its conceptual and abstract qualities and structurally -pictorial elements include. All this makes him a projection of the desires of a society in which one tries desperately to fill a term such as "holistic" with meaning.
Given the current Steiner renaissance is already almost wish that his pugnacity it will not be forgotten. Finally, makes someone just as significantly, where in our society still run the ideological dividing lines. There must be a Steiner imagine today, he would at least not the unworldly prophet, to which he has long been made. Rather, one could imagine him as a popular talk show guest, of a new connection between sustainability and aesthetics, philosophy of preaching and daily life. A symbiosis of Al Gore, Rem Koolhaas, Paulo Coelho and Alain de Botton, then? Maybe, but certainly original.
Mateo Kries is one of the two directors of the Vitra Design Museum and curator of the exhibition "Rudolf Steiner - The Alchemy of everyday life". The exhibition instantaneous im Kunstmuseum Stuttgart wird gezeigt, danach im Museum für Angewandte Kunst in Wien. Ab October ist sie im Vitra Design Museum in Weil am Rhein zu sehen. Katalogbuch das zur Ausstellung hat 336 Seiten und kostet 79 Euro '
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