Make no mistake: this is the Notre-Dame in Paris!
And the journey continues, was continued yesterday. See also 'On the rails . The messages from ' RS 150 - On Air "were gestokt temporarily. They have since been completed. "Ein Tag in der Wüste 'reports about (unfortunately, is no date and time, a message needed to properly date):
This"Ein Tag ohne NetzViel Viel gesehen gehörtJetzt wieder aus NetzHarretDie Pilger was erzählen"
the poetry of his Koppehel eurythmist Vera. As they appear in the series 'Treffpunkt Steiner • 2 "in ' Die Drei" of February describes: "Alchemy Die Kunst der Gegenwart des Alltag as . In ' Zugvogelgesang "called that" Unterwegs zur nach Geburtstagsfeier Kraljevic' is. But first ' Car lovers and hardships in the club car ':
' "Better to eat steak, think, as a scavenger," said Daniel Porsche launches its contribution. The quote is from Steiner. All chairs in the club car, which becomes our living rooms are occupied. A former Waldorf students and eternal car enthusiasts loosens the mood. Ideals, such as how to eat no meat, will not make sense if we are not can handle it. Porsche has a child in any case hardly adhered to regulations. In his "great book of school tricks" this is carried out in great detail. Sixty specially tested tricks, he presents it. Cheat sheet in the shade knotted, wool in hand classes and firecrackers in the candle. Students, so Porsche do not annoy their teachers explore painting, but. Very different nature of the research by Karl-Dieter Bodack, also recorded in book form. "Anthroposophy is a strain," said his thesis, because it leads to a confrontation with evil. He does not believe that his book say it all. Open sides give the reader space for his own additions ... '
'In the archives of Budapest is a previously-lost tale of the young Rudolf Steiner's been discovered. Called "The Ring" es ist erster signal abgedruckter erschien Text und in der "Karlsburg Wochenschrift" im August 1884. Walter Kugler, Leiter des Rudolf Steiner Archiv, weld unerforschte Geschichte einer heute erstmal vor versammelten Zugzeugenschaft. "
Then we see the farthest destination already achieved, "Donje Kraljevec . The pilgrimage unfortunately does not dub movies, just photos on Flickr. But they are already beautiful. "Second day from rs150onair on Flickr 'it says invitingly. It must be late in the day, with an evening sun against a cold sky, everywhere I see thick winter coats. But the village and the area around the station look just as it did in old photographs, same atmosphere. And then ... I seem suddenly the bike from Steiner to discern! The photos are not numbered, so I can not identify. You will be automatically against it. Ridzerd Dijk had already spotted him very alert, in his message " Rudolf Steiner - Half Truths worse than whole errors. It is cheerful dance, play music - it's all the pictures to see. And this morning we find this' 7:55 Uhr - 26. Februar ':
' Night Erste im Nebel überlebt Kroatien - trotz kaltem Hotelzimmer. Die Stärke desKaffees rocks that schwach Schlafes des nicht auf. In einerHalbe Stunde wird das Gepäck geshuttelt.müssen sich selbst zum Körper Die Bahnhof Cakovecer slow.Weiterfahrt Ungewisse ins.Zuvor: Biss ins Brot. "
No word on date of February 25, and why that day should be Kraljevec. But I did last year was revealed on Saturday, February 27, 2010 in "side issues . I read once where the article mentioned the correct date of birth Aschoff Günther Steiner:
I find this very convincing at second reading, where I was last year, not quite. Very nice is the contribution of Walter Kugler, director of the Rudolf Steiner Archiv, "Wir haben nichts zu hide but . Zum 144. Geburtstag und 80. Todestag von Rudolf Steiner. That must all strains from 2005. In the recent discussion of recent days Lieven Debrouwere I find this a very appropriate position, straight from the unsuspected corner of the anthroposophical center in Switzerland from:
'Februar, März, das ist die Hoch-Zeit der Biograph in Sachen Rudolf Steiner, erst der Geburtstag, der dann Todestag. Who but nah diese beieinander lie! Diesmal habe ich mir firmly resolved to say that Rudolf Steiner was born in Hungary, because other and "the Other in me," before repeatedly said and written that he in Austria-Hungary, a nation-state uncanny fusion of entity it but 1861 does not was born there. Mergers, which teaches us the recent history of the Anthroposophical society are closely related to confusion, or how else can we explain that we will call this week by the General Anthroposophical Society, the Federal Court to a decision and thus get clarity on that Fusion between the Anthroposophical Society and the former Building Association (which is the construction Goetheanumbauten of care) has taken place or not, so that a merger that is not really, but could be one or something like that. In short: For some, just not without courts clear whether the AAG is really existing or not. But let the word of the merger but simply gone, and it fits not even then, where is constant talk of him that it was in the pub, on the Exchange or elsewhere. Pity that so little has Associative advocate.
This time I'll say very clearly that Rudolf Steiner on 27 February, the light of day, despite all the contradictions arising from attempts at interpreting the basis of the crucial points unreadable copies of baptismal certificate or the correspondence of Miss von Bredow (see "Contributions to the GA» Issue 49/50) or just due to different spellings of the hand of Rudolf Steiner himself, arise. As an archivist has to stick to facts - a word that is sometimes even used as a weapon, just not what it's always very nice. And they say that in all relevant documents, ie passports, residence permits, residence or issued certificates of good conduct, but also in writing Rudolf Steiner to the various offices always the day of the 27th February is specified. And for an editor is so ever since the iron rule that works in the "Issue Last edit at hand "and there is now prevail, the first chapter of" My life transition ", written in late 1923:" In Kraljevec I'm on 27 Born in February 1861. "That was Rudolf Steiner's final written statement on the subject. But we should not forget also that which lives in the souls of the people is something real. And so sometimes facts are facts and against people just because we are, let us take the decision, not a fact which we announce today or tomorrow to be preferred.
was true, however, and always will be, that Rudolf Steiner was an Austrian citizen - for life. The naturalization in Switzerland was him, despite numerous Attorney, namely failure remained. You could see the country's security at risk because of "communist activities" and the "undermining the moral health through the methods of a ruthless operated vampirism." And since the overthrow of the state order have money also cost a lot of money, had to double the informant of the Swiss Federal Prosecutor's hard to equal with the claim that were "in the area of the Dornach building secretly accumulated treasures of gold." (Letter from CA Bernoulli to the Federal Prosecutor of 13 May 1921, Bundesarchiv Bern).
I should also talk again about Rudolf Steiner, the great initiates, as other speakers do. That gave me last year, whispered a patient audience after a lecture. - Yes, he's right, but there are words that live only in the soul. They do not tolerate excessive draft and will not be true in that they are always up in front of the audience like giant scenes once in Bayreuth. I admit, I have an aversion to nominalists that use the word "mystery" or "Rosicrucian" in a paragraph as often as other points, commas and exclamation points. Since the intuition mutates quickly to the institution. The initiate, so I tried it out myself from the words of Rudolf Steiner's spell, has a job, and which is also the mystical Atheists of our day can not be indifferent. It seeks to impart knowledge about what happens in the prenatal and afterlife, and therefore, always be borne in mind that there is an immortality of the soul. Let's talk more of these tasks and what the before and behind the border moves. In short, we must be silent in words, much like Gadamer when he spoke the name Hölderlin. And we must not continue to force them to turn outward again to the depths. No, we will hide nothing desperately, for the spirit of the time, Rudolf Steiner at the Christmas Conference, tolerates the outer secrecy, the interior very well. No, we have nothing to hide, but we always have to pass through that needle's eye of a critical consciousness that is as against the question: Compared to why should we give more credence to an initiate as a scientist or my immediate? An issue such as Case, "mistrust" to place, is as absurd as the relationship of trust - trust someone not to recognize.
Unfortunately, it is becoming increasingly clear: Our relationship to the spirit of the time is sometimes very disturbed. Many a respected lecturer and author from our polarized circles where it is really to build bridges. The one who ceases and we read more often, to ingratiate himself with the times, while seeking the truth of us is the substance of the esoteric. No, that polar grotesque the world is not ordered and with the reality, such a view has nothing to do. As must we not wonder if meet many of those who act in anthroposophical institutions are close to the pulse of the time, all that sounds to uncosted time since diagnosis over, with great skepticism. Since it is also of benefit to not mourn the loss of members, but because it simply needs more confidence-building measures, more clarity of thought and, above all, a bit more love, for love, so I did it once with my philosophy professor learned, simple interest at the other. The enemy, however, the Esoteric is the end in itself.
Rudolf Steiner's personal library of more than 9,000 books that had passed every high-profile scholars to the glory bears witness of his interest in all that the spirit of the time what the other has to say, and he has this interest is not concealed, but in countless lectures raised. This part of the local Steiner-performers do not want to take note, is a crux compare, the exclusiveness with which one takes his case to another and a third speaking in superlatives. No, Rudolf Steiner's language is not a work of art per se - that he would also not for himself claimed little as this great poet like Celan, Mandelstam and Neruda have done, but Rudolf Steiner's words are more wondrous results of its immensely challenging translation work are messages from the original source of all being, each of which senses that it had been something like this and will be. The world of the mind has no display, where you can read everything, and each as on an electronic billboard simple, but the spirit world manifests itself in vague images and sounds, rhythms, and in anti-rhythms. Above all, it is subject to different laws than the people trusted us first. And all to bring the in the language of understanding, is a feat unimaginable proportions. And all of these codes would not have been interpreted by Rudolf Steiner, when he is not relentlessly by what the spirit of the time to register in books, had worked through. The fact that Steiner was heard, his words were given weight, yes, as his Weimar interlocutor Gabriele Reuter later in her biography noted that he "people paid their souls newly added," There is a reason that he speak to his way in his readers and listeners may have the same emotion triggered as it can otherwise only the art.
Sometimes - and I should probably talk about it sometimes in a lecture - is discussed in our circles to theaters, and it sounds over the hill, We will not make a fuss out how here. But how does one out there because in fact? That there are differences between the sky-high Thalia Theater, the Theater am Neumarkt, and the stage, every child knows. And even within an ensemble, there is no one face, but many. Some people bow down before the creation, others destroy it.
prenatal and after death, angels and nature spirits, reincarnation and karma, they have long since taken hold in the dramaturgy and choreography our time, sometimes terribly distorted, sometimes in the form of sensitive images of the soul. They all need our attention as the visual artists, among which the cosmologists about the group Zero eventually bowed to the dictates of Sigmar Polke's "Higher order being: upper right corner paint black triangle." It is the up and down the back and forth in the art, and this is their dynamics and what will get us if we withdraw we do not know. No one expects us to imitate them, but many will be traveling to Dornach, if they feel welcome as guests. Art, taught us Rilke, is a process in which one always goes to the end. - And there, waiting often the abyss. Art - and the same goes for science - is not fixed for all time system.
Yes, if we as anthroposophists together, it is often a very warm feeling. The real world is out there then forget it and will take passionate disputes silent in oh so beloved circle of chairs where the juxtaposition is sometimes more important than our opponent. Undoubtedly, the everyday life of many is characterized by all of it has to offer the time of possibilities and impossibilities. But in the conferences so many anthroposophical institution, a Steiner cycle on the knees, is often more hidden than exposed, more secure than solved. No wonder that not many go.
Maybe I'll end my speech with an impression of Sils Maria. There is at present - and until the summer - in Nietzsche's house an exhibition of Solothurn from coming to see living in Vienna and at the Art Academy in Dusseldorf teaching artist Helmut Federle. Among the works is one titled "anthroposophical forms" and then read the catalog of Federle affection to the Goetheanum. Recently, I've met him in Vienna, with the Appenzeller ring in your ears and fingers anthroposophical gem. As wonderful life is mixed. But you have to get involved themselves already '
Na al deze feestelijkheden the seriousness and tragedy of the moment. I do not mean Libya, although it well could. No, I think at the other end of the world. Following are the first visitors of this blog, which is really all over the world come to come. The built-in statistics and states to show which countries they come from. I am truly amazed as I would also except logical toppers like the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany (both 10% similar in the number of Dutch), the United States do (there again half) and then joining Switzerland and United Kingdom also encounter New Zealand (all three 20% of the number of the U.S.). In half again to follow France, Russia and Austria. This is based on all measurements made of pageviews between May 2010 and February 2011, with a total of nearly 75,000. In much smaller numbers, but still significant, I then also South Korea (!), Spain, Poland, Denmark, Canada and even Iran are.
What matters to me now, is New Zealand. Hans Klis morning message on the website of NRC Handelsblad on "Death toll Christchurch to 145 ':
" The number of victims of the earthquake in New Zealand has risen to 145. More than two hundred others are still missing, reports AP. According to experts, the clean-up efforts at the center of the stricken city Christchurch take months.
on Tuesday struck an earthquake measuring 6.3 on the Richter scale in the early afternoon the city and created an enormous havoc. Prime Minister John Key is one of the largest earthquake disasters in New Zealand ever.
Hundreds of rescuers have been deployed to search for survivors. But there is little hope that they still found since Wednesday there are no longer alive from the rubble removed.
Key said the New Zealand government Monday the arrival of an emergency financial package will announce for the more than fifty thousand inhabitants of the city as a result of the earthquake unemployed. Christchurch has a total of three hundred inhabitants.
Upcoming Tuesday, the victims are remembered with two minutes silence.
' - '
Three buckets of water. With the bike in hand I walk to the neighbors, one hundred meters away. They have a spring in the garden that we quickly embracing. Moments later I walk back home, two sloshing buckets on the wheel and a large bucket on the carrier.
Living in a disaster: it is, if everyone around you is unscathed, best. Problem is that the everyday things so much time that you easily can be occupied for whole days. The trip to the neighbors I'll make ten times in one day. And then we have the luxury of a source to the corner - about 80 percent of Christchurch since the earthquake on Tuesday without water.
Most residents have to join them at one of the points in the city where large tankers with drinking water stand established. And who on the streets, immediately gets to the big puzzle that life suddenly has become. Your way from A to B by the many roads impassable a perilous adventure. Purchase food and drink is quite complicated: the local shop there has milk on sale, snack bar sells bags of chips, and further it is mainly a matter of not being picky.
But these are all problems that so soon after the disaster, are not yet acute. Most can be a time ahead with the stock food and drink that every New Zealander to public opinion continues.
The real difficulty lies these days in the mental blow that has hit us all full. We were just picking up the earthquake six months ago, the aftershocks just seemed to subside. That the pattern will repeat itself now, is hardly a process perspective.
It was in September, also what surprised me most when I first in my life had experienced an earthquake. These aftershocks. Of course, sometimes you hear it, but where read that you are one hundred times a day you get fired, they can be very intense and it can take months and months before they fade away? They are especially tiring because you need every time delete unexpected turn: we dive under a table or are we stuck? Our oldest son said, "If they're a timetable would give something like: the aftershocks come at such a time, it would have to be. But you never know when they come, I think actually the worst of everything. "
Pleasant idea
When we first moved to New Zealand were, one and a half years ago, we noticed structurally immediately how the public and the media attention to the natural disaster gets taught. We found it nice to know the kids at school are drilled. The slogan drop, cover and hold is already ingrained in children: dive under something solid and stick to it. Our youngest son, Sat on Tuesday in the school when the first blow came, looked around the lamps from the ceiling coming down. He knew exactly what to do.
Still it was a disappointment that we have the practical translation of that slogan so soon proved necessary to have. But it takes us so far little effort to put things in proportion to continue to see. We have a roof over our heads, we have to eat and outlet is power. As long as the source the neighbors is not dry, we're not worried. "
I have a moment when lifted because if the message of News Network Anthroposophy (NNA), last night by Christian von Arnim placed "" Our little city is in ruins "- one school's account of coping with the aftermath of the New Zealand earthquake, " its full weight to:
" In the aftermath of the Devastating Earthquake Which hit the New Zealand city of Christchurch on Wednesday, the residents of the city are law enforcement to cope with Their losses and start to rebuild their lives. International rescue teams are continuing to search for survivors, but Prime Minister John Keys says he believes more than 200 people have died.
Anthroposophical communities, too, have been deeply affected. The Hohepa curative home survived the quake but many demands have been placed on both the co-workers and residents. Colleagues from the two Hohepa Homes in the North Island have been sent to provide relief and support.
For the Christchurch Rudolf Steiner School it has been a traumatic time. This is vividly expressed in an email on behalf of the teachers from the principal of the school, Thomas Proctor, who movingly describes the impact of the earthquake:
“Thank you everyone who has contacted me over the last days. Our little city is in ruins. There is tragedy everywhere that you see both in the news and things that you may never hear. It is so, so awful and fills me with tears that so many people have died, so many have torn amputations, spinal injuries, crushed bodies, weeping spirits and that the whole city is ruined - from every historic building to the most modern. The effects will be decades in rebuilding.
“We personally are OK. My family is OK and we have had damage but minor compared to most.
“School was evacuated at 12.51 on Tuesday. Getting out of my office was like trying to walk on a rocking ship’s deck – grasping for hand rails before being tossed in the other direction. Files were falling, draws flying open. The kids ran to their designated areas. Everyone was accounted for. Children were weeping and hugging. Many of the teachers who were terrified after the last quake were pale and shaking but overcame this to bring calmness to their classes. I am so proud of them all. Most kids jackets were inside. It got colder and, with big quakes every few minutes, their anxiety rose – especially as they saw houses on the hills behind us collapsing.
“Our flash text communication system with every parent was useless as power was gone. We waited and parents slowly and frantically arrived. Some had run from the city centre and brought stories of modern buildings collapsing. Others told of roads broken and water gushing onto the streets, liquefaction creating gaping holes in roads. St Martins supermarket – just over the river – was impossible to get to. The kindergarten children sat with Robyn and Frances and Annalie and Ellen and their helpers. They kept assuring the little Tamariki.
“In the lower school, children sat in their class groups. All our practises for fire drills were so helpful - we had class lists ticked off, barley sugars, blankets and stories. The upper school, who are usually a little frisky about fire drills were superb, contained and supportive of each other.
“We watched quake after quake ripple across the school land, saw cracks like lightening bolts appear in the concrete slabs. We could hear the deep rumble of the next quake seconds before it struck. As I walked around to each class I was so proud of our community of teachers and the increasing number of parents who brought in food, chocolate, bananas, pears, hugs, comfort and assurance.
“Lyttelton was cut off, Sumner and Redcliffs too, and there were reports that Diamond Habour was isolated. Text messages were intermittent. We were looking at evacuating to a welfare centre. But by 5pm most children were gone with someone who was either family or classmate. Parents who had lost their homes set up tents in the field.
“School is now closed. No water, no electricity. We have to wait for a building inspection before we can return. Ironically there was an insurance assessor inspecting damage from the last quake at school as it struck. He was upstairs in the staff workroom and saw all the computers fall to the ground. We don’t know when we will have water without sewerage as the entire infrastructure of the town is cracked. School could be a long time beginning.
“A few Steiner schools have offered to have children and families who want to get out of town. Thank you very, very much for the offers. I am trying to coordinate lists of frightened families (most have no power or water or cell phones or petrol) and places in schools that are available. We are looking at Federation [of Rudolf Steiner Schools in New Zealand] funds assisting this. If your school wants to do something for the earthquake you could raise money for these families or just raise money for Christchurch. The city’s needs will be ongoing for a long, long time. We wonder whether the central city will survive.
“If you aren’t in a position to do this, then pray for Christchurch and its suffering families – thank you very much.
“Another shock has just passed through – its a weird mixture of inner high alert and helplessness. The sense I get is that this is very different from the last quake. Apart from more deaths and more carnage, there is a weariness and exhaustion from months of vigilance That work and is now useless. That resilience to get up and get at it (like digging out the heavy clay liquefaction) is not as strong and is counter to the much talked about Canterbury indomitable spirit. I think we need to compromise long-term continual support on many levels to get over this one. "
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