This is the last photo of Friday, September 17, 2010, from Notre Dame in Paris, taken six minutes before half past seven in the evening. Tomorrow we continue the Saturday pictures, but we see it again.
Egypt is a little longer on my list, there again to pay attention to it. I did that earlier on January 29 in "Nine hundred . John responded Wervenbos Sekem on January 24
"Contact between the regime and Sekhem Mubarak seemed excellent in recent years. Consider the Dar Assalaam Own-initiative to post them in the heart of the new Heliopolis University which is particularly strongly Abouleish (e) where Mubarak granted its approval. Read one another and themselves, but after: (1) Friends Sekem Newsletter, Number 25, October 2010 and (2) Heliopolis University Cultural Centre and Dar Assalaam . "
' yeast and fermentation processes are important ingredients in making bread, among others. Also political and cultural-social sense, the yeasts and quite well at all levels. Take Tunisia and Egypt present, for example. Oppression, revolution and regime change are showing now? Coverage thereabouts caught my attention in recent days more, because I Monday evening, 1/24/2011, at a night club in Rotterdam AVIN , a lecture on Sekem heard, a fair trade company from Egypt, to say inspired by spiritual insights from Anthroposophy and Islam. Here's some more about that organization and its founder Ibrahim Abouleish .
About discontent and unrest in Egypt is no word in the reading guide Blokker Dick, also secretary of Friends Sekem , not even from the listener audience though. The riot apparently worked in Tunisia as a catalyst for Egypt and parts of the rest of the region last week. Please continue taking the bread riots in Egypt in 1977 took place in mind to write in eight of Rudolf Steiner's process descriptions of historical impulses (roughly three times thirty-three and third years). "
Two weeks later, Saturday, February 12, he returned to this theme, with " Where does Europe think about?" he continued to follow Alert:
"Yesterday was the day. After a last gasp went to Mohammed Hosni Mubarak. For thirty years he was president of Egypt. There appears a new phase come. A certain want more democracy has strongly manifested, that's clear. But new or modified opposing forces, internal and external, will also want to seize their opportunities, which certainly do not want to leave, where necessary and prudent, where possible, ruthlessly.
problem is obviously more extensive than just more democracy in whatever form, thinking, inter alia, corruption, nepotism also known as nepotism , undivided / confiscated wealth, land agents and so on.
Interesting news article of Stevo Akkerman day before yesterday in newspaper Trouw on the current situation in Egypt (Mubarak had not yet resigned), seen through the eyes of the American Robert Kaplan : Kaplan: Egypt, the trail from Indonesia to follow , Trouw, 11/02/1910. Interesting readers also commented that article. "
How interesting, I want to go back to Sekem. Since I wrote about in detail on September 15, 2009 in 'Oasis . I expressed to My final thoughts:
"The hard work and success of the pioneering activities of Ibrahim Abouleish in Egypt seems to me indisputable. But with the ideas in the preceding uttered by him, I still pretty much difficulty. Now I know that the cultural conditions outside Europe are very different (indeed, even in Europe already so different) and therefore require a completely different approach to questions. It is not simply the actual situation there just to estimate. But the mentality that goes from the above certainly not like me, that makes me a more modern kind of elitism and neo-colonialism think, moreover anthroposophical colored too. To ensure this is not anthroposophy, so is my conviction. "
John Wervenbos January 29 had been given a link to an article about this organization and its founder Ibrahim Abouleish . It comes from an unknown site, "Loge 21, Platform for new leadership and entrepreneurship. The article is titled 'Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish, 21st century leader in the power of the Sun, "written by Mary Span, and appears to consist of e and 'interview with Dick Blokker friend and supporter of the association Friends Sekem':
" Dick Blokker just as Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish associated with anthroposophy. Anthroposophy suggests keys to the spiritual side of life learning experience and examine. They invites you from body, soul and mind with both feet on the ground shape the life, work and the world. Blokker Dick: "I saw Sekem as the fruit of anthroposophy. Sekhem is entirely in service of the earth and humanity and is a place where biodynamic farming closely coincides with art, science, ecology, education and spirituality. "
After extensively about the other source of inspiration Abouleish, the Islam, to have had the following characterization of him:
"Dick: 'For He's a pharaoh at heart. He always gives his overview. "
" If you do meet, he looks you straight in the eye. You feel his warmth and interest. For example, he never forgets your name. But he can also be inflexible, "says Dick Blokker. "If he sees someone in the street and throws to egotript, they say, 'Sorry, but you're not at your place." He can take that away. He may well perceive, is a good listener and is able to meet people from his heart. Because that's what the other can develop and express. That gives a lot of positive energy, which translates into being and commercial success. "
few minutes later the valuation mentioned:
" Within the Anthroposophical world is very responded differently to Sekem. One knows not have a way, the other wants the initiative in a particular square stop and another was hit by what is happening in Sekhem. "I saw immediately that the anthroposophic methods Sekem positive effect. People from the scientific and business look with amazement at what is happening in Sekhem. They really appreciate what Abouleish in Sekhem has put down, but they do not really understand. Egyptian workers have deep reverence for him. And the Egyptian upper class must get used and methods of Sekem is skeptical. "
It seems a fair picture of the pioneering and pioneering. About pharaohs spoke on Friday, February 11 wrote Cases Pharaoh fought for his wounded honor ":
" One day before his final resignation hit the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in his televised address even the mantle order of Father of the People. It was an attempt to enforce the respect that older people enjoy in Arab culture. "It hurts me how some compatriots treat me now," said the 82-year-old by the end of his twenty minute speech.
Self leader described the speech as "a call from a father with his sons and daughters". He admitted once "just so young "to have been" as the Egyptian youth of today ". "But," he said at once, "so I learned the value of the Egyptian military honor, loyalty and sacrifice for my country."
That is right in the old Arab of authority, he must have thought. The leader reads the lesson the people, not vice versa. The intentions of the demonstrators at the Tahrir Square are "fair," he said conciliatory. While Mubarak insinuated that the young generation is still inadequate when it comes to the responsibilities of adulthood hear. "
The honor is paramount and must be kept high, evidenced by the rest of the article. Today there is a very different message in the newspaper, Mubarak about how bad it stand. He might even be dying, says NRC Handelsblad Critically ill want to die Mubarak in Sharm el-Sheikh ". But what was the situation a few weeks back? I'm off that, not only because the events are so numerous and so quickly have followed, but also because Abouleish a statement on February 2 was going out, which I did my eyebrows frowning. First let such statement. Faith brought on February 10 "Chronology of a popular uprising ':
January '17: A 50-year-old Egyptian crossing himself on fire to the parliament. It is the first of five such actions, following the self-immolation in mid-December that led to the downfall of the President of Tunisia.
January 25: Demonstrations against the government spend several thousand people on the street. Contact is usually through Facebook.
January 26: Thousands demonstrate in Egyptian cities, despite a ban. The riot police with tear gas firing.
January 27: Security inundate downtown Cairo. Get hundreds clashed with police, including in Suez.
January 28: After massive demonstrations following Friday prayers: 62 people die while fighting with the police. Nobel Laureate Mohamed ElBaradei joins the protesters. Mubarak, the curfew and sends the army into the streets. The headquarters of Mubarak's party went up in flames.
January 29: Tens of thousands ignored the curfew. In battles with riot police are at least 33 people. Shops are looted in Cairo. Mubarak announces the resignation of the government and appoints Omar Suleiman as his first vice president.
January 30: Thousands of inmates escape from their cells.
Jan. 31: Army says it will use no violence against demonstrators.
FEBRUARY Feb. 1: At least one million people take part in a march through Cairo. There are also marches in Alexandria and other cities. Mubarak announces re-election suggests that he did not.
February 2: Curfews will be shortened. " On February 2
I stop, because on that day wrote Abouleish, along with his famous son Helmy, who apparently are not as able to keep the following. It is inter alia in the latest Newsletter 26, February 2011 on the website of the Dutch Sekemvrienden:
'Sekhem, 2nd of February, 2011
Dear Friends,
Thank you so much for your kind thoughts and good wishes, being of real support for us in these times!
Obviously in Egypt some long-due change lies ahead right now. Unfortunately, due to such a long period of political stagnation and inflexibility, transformation has to take place now through a crisis. However, it was far beyond imagination to have witnessed such an explosive situation here in Egypt, hitting everyone in the country completely by shock and surprise. We hope sincerely that the measures now taken by the government will be understood and accepted by the people. We deeply hope as well, that this window of opportunity will be seized, and used to implement the will of the people and build the foundation for a true renewal of the political landscape and society.
Even if political developments are still unpredictable, the instable situation we faced together with our employees and the whole country in the last few days was mainly due to the limited deployment of the police force to secure law and order.
In the meantime, police has been redeployed and we are relieved to witness the state of security in the city centre of Cairo improving continuously, and the shops and businesses opening for limited hours again. On the SEKEM farm and in our companies we could return to production with a major share of workers. There are still some challenges restricting our work at the University and Head Office, which will go back to normal only after Internet Access Has Been unblocked and the curfew lifted.
In the coming times of change and rebuilding Both economy and society, It Will Be of great urgency to create an effective impulse for sustainable development. We hope for, and count on your strong support to tackle the challenges ahead and to help build a better future for Egypt.
Best regards, Dr.. Ibrahim Abouleish, Helmy Abouleish and all Sekem community
There are still very strange sentences. Such as:
"However, it was far beyond imagination to have witnessed Such an explosive situation here in Egypt, hitting everyone in the country completely by shock and surprise. We hope sincerely that the measures now taken by the government will be understood and accepted by the people.’
‘Even if political developments are still unpredictable, the instable situation we faced together with our employees and the whole country in the last few days was mainly due to the limited deployment of the police force to secure law and order.
In the meantime, police has been redeployed and we are relieved to witness the state of security in the city centre of Cairo improving continuously, and the shops and businesses opening for limited hours again.’
Hier kun je simpelweg een of the many reports put against it, for example, NRC Handelsblad on 12 February, where very clear about the police:
"After eighteen days of incessant protests, the resignation of Mubarak today a fact. But Egypt is waiting for now the power is transferred to the army?
"That everything is open" does NRC-correspondent Guus Valk.
"Positive reasoning holds promise in the army and an earlier statement paves the way for the planned presidential election in September. That would mean that the military keeps in the background, the order in the streets and guarded the run of will facilitate the elections. "
" But the Egyptian army has in recent weeks have shown their own agenda. It enjoys a certain respect of the Egyptian population, unlike the hated police. During the past three weeks the army chose never quite the side of the road and watched the demonstrators when they were attacked by armed Mubarak supporters. The Air Force also tried to F16s scare the protesters. "
" The Supreme Council has the power in their hands and can do what it wants. The population that yearns for self-determination, hope that the army should not, as in previous Egyptian power swings, Candidate pushes forward it wants. "
last few days there on the website of the Pontifical Sekemvrienden another statement, dated February 13 and signed by the 'Sekemgemeenschap':
" Sekem, February 13, 2011
Dear friends,
On February 11 we witnessed a historic event in Egyptian history will certainly be recorded as a milestone.
In the past 60 years Egypt was ruled by three presidents: Gamal Abdel Nasser, Anwar Sadat and Hosny Mubarak. Egypt was thus by generals led, with the result that the country is now among the poorest countries in the world and as a developing country to book.
's long and glorious history of Egypt and the initiative power and the tenacity with which the Egyptian youth has prompted the recent events show that there is a lot more potential. In recent decades orientated dark one is only on old values: the pyramids and temples and the old, incredibly rich history of the country.
The latest developments have paved the way to create values for this time passes and the undeveloped potential of the country to speak.
This was and is possible only through a holistic and sustainable way of working, which includes those areas rise far above the material. Sekhem has always worked in this direction and we are confident that partly why the current changes are now possible.
Sekem will continue to be servant of the Zeitgeist. As our work of recent developments could also affect Sekem will explore new ways and to help shape a free, peaceful and productive future. This will now be our priority.
As a Sekem given that the current event has influence, so it is a fact that without our friends would have been impossible.
Thank you all very much for your support, your encouraging words, your tireless participation in Sekhem and your enthusiastic support of our work.
We hope that through joint action and spiritual inspiration by this time the appropriate paths to the future to find.
In cordial relationship,The Sekemgemeenschap '
The difference between the two statements could not be larger ... Who is the spokesman for this Sekemgemeenschap? There is no name for. Abouleish seems a bit put aside. And how all those politically aware European Sekemsupporters really really?
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