Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Late Period Because Of Stomach Flu

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Today I am again in the affairs of the Anthroposophical Society, at home and abroad. Especially the latter fact. But before I do, briefly back to Wednesday, February 2, my message "Congratulations . Congratulation that was the end of this course, Rudolf Steiner is 150 months. It is currently a special time because we live glory days as regards attention to the man and his work. Especially Germany has the ball. I had two weeks ago, but again schoolmaster and zuurpruimerig do about spelling on the website of the Dutch Anthroposophical Society. These were also the anniversary of 90 years Weleda. Here I spotted a well ongerechtigheidje:
"Here we have something to mention: Ita Wegmann! How dare you to write it! Weleda themselves or spelled the name as its press release? I can not imagine ... Well, naturally there are worse things in the world. "
The latter is true. But who imagine my surprise when I later expanded the story with this underlying message that emerged are, on the website itself took Weleda, including this error 'Ita Wegmann'! In Belgium, it is also wrong; Germany they want to know nothing of Ita Wegman (after all, a Dutch doctor at the base of anthroposophic medicine has been in France ...), either. But look, in America they know it! But closer to home, in Austria. Well, I do not know the real can. And precisely why the Netherlands and Belgium to go wrong. - Now the important things. It is something that is even was mentioned on Wednesday, January 19 in ' Boards. Then I could mention new messages were posted on the website of the weekly Das Goetheanum. I got Bodo von Plato, among others with "Zur Zukunft der Wochenschrift" , which many changes were announced. As the integration of the internal members in the weekly magazine, which made me cry
"That's strong! The Netherlands had been fourteen years practice. Consider a half years after the chairman of the Dutch Anthroposophical Society, Paul Mackay, was called to Switzerland, where the central management to strengthen. But then of course already in the planning and with his knowledge and approval prepared, if he himself could not have committed the offense has given. Today he describes his arrival at Dornach itself, the last of the twelve posts, under the title "Von Bodo von zu Paul Mackay Plato ".
Now on February 8 the new "Anthroposophy Worldwide" released, moreover yet another magazine than the previous two mentioned. I wrote extensively about this on December 16, 2010 in " acts", including how it might come. This new song, 'No. 1-2/11 ", opens with the already mentioned earlier on January 19 renewal intentions. I do not need to repeat that. But on page 2, I find this message, "Change in Publisher's Representative. A Note of Thanks for Paul Mackay ':
"With the new distribution of Responsibilities of the Executive Council, Bodo von Plato HAS Replaced Paul Mackay as' individual Responsible for Representing the publisher or Das Goetheanum and Anthroposophy Worldwide. Hencse word of thanks for this Paul Mackay.

The Appointment of Paul Mackay as a member of the Executive Council was associated with an important impulse. After working on the role of the Society's publication and the task or the publisher consistently the 1995 crisis in the editorial staff at Das Goetheanum he overplayed an important part in the creation or Anthroposophy Worldwide, a concept Brought to Fruition at Micah Elmas 1995 [I think this should be 1998, MG] as a way to reach the greatest possible number of members (and in two languages) through a newly conceived newsletter.

Issued under local editorship in the United States of America, Great Britain, and Germany, it originally involved a lot of activity. It was necessary to make de­cisions and find new approaches; Paul Mackay represented these in the various groups of the Anthroposophical Soci­ety. Although the initial level of activity could not be maintained, Anthroposophy Worldwide —in its English and German editions—remains a way through which we are able to reach more than 20,000 members each month.

An important point for Paul Mackay was that the General Anthroposophical Society Should perceive what was happening at the periphery and see Itself as an active, cosmopolitan society worldwide. Open to the world and aware of what CAN be done in a financial and practical way, he accompanied Developments in the publications field with interest and commitment. Many thanks to Paul Mackay for what he HAS accomplished! "
Now it is interesting that this post is signed by:
"Justus Wittich, Frankfurt / Main (Germany), Sebastian Jüngel
Justus Wittich Played a Decisive part in the creation or Anthroposophy Worldwide, and he HAS had a significant ongoing role in ITS development. "
Sebastian Jüngel is known as editor of "Das Goetheanum" Justus Wittich we came in on December 27, 2010 at ' Structure . That is, he was by Karl-Martin Dietz named as his successor as publisher of the German magazine "Die Drei ':
" Liebe Leser,
nach 14 Jahren verabschiede ich mich zum Jahre Ende Herausgeber der Zeitschrift Die Drei prayers den Stab und weiter an Wittich Justus. "
In the January issue Wittich asked himself. That is not online, but since I December the farewell message of Karl-Martin Dietz've posted, I dit nu met het introductiebericht van Justus doen Wittich ook:
'The new editor imagines

Dear readers,
I am happy from the beginning of the new year with the magazine "The Three "connected as a publisher to be and warmly welcome you as often long-term subscribers! The editors task I take on behalf of and as a member of the Labour College (Board) of the Anthroposophical Society in Germany and thank my predecessor, while Karl-Martin Dietz for his fourteen years (1996 to 2010) exemplary work performed and his kind words about the "handover" in the December issue.

Karl-Martin Dietz has created this journal in 1996 with his initiative to editorial and published by statute a liberal journalistic space. He also has not hesitated, for reasons of economic viability in 2000 - after many discussions and negotiations - to operate the establishment of the mercurial Publikationsgesellschft mbH as one's own publishing company for Anthroposophical of the company in Germany published journals. Main shareholders are the publisher of this Anthroposophical Society in Germany and the General Anthroposophical Society (Switzerland) with 23 500 EUR and the employee Stephen Eisenhut (Managing Director), Stephan Stockmar (executive editor of "The Three") and myself with 1,000 EUR. I was then Co-insurers as younger colleague of Karl-Martin Dietz in responsible work college in these developments and decisions - and also took the consequences: In the last ten years I have built together with the said employees to small publishing company in Frankfurt-Niederursel, thus "The Three" a somewhat tight, but reliable economic Basis was given.

Such an undertaking, and such a magazine as "The Three" is now in media diversity and "overfeeding" with information and a fast-changing reading habits, no easy task. But the number of people out of responsibility for people and the earth itself is growing critical to our civilization and its underlying human and the world, continue, every day. More and more wake contemporaries noted that the thinking that has led to today's problems, is not qualified to solve them. We need a comprehensive, advanced thinking, that's already been created and in anthroposophy is highly regarded for practical everyday devices successfully applied in practice, but also more diverse the discovery awaits. Here to provide journalistic groundwork to describe in science, art and social life, new approaches to anticipate more thoroughly - this is the Journal's now 90 years started - and their goal is still far from being achieved. Above all, it has too few readers.

Here is the classic roles or division of labor between the Publisher and Editor: While the latter only in the best sense of the quality, the readers and authors in the monthly Stitching is required, has kept to the editor and the managing aspect of the magazine, the preservation of quality, but also the economics and development in mind. Here I hope the good cooperation in the small Niederurseler journal house in the future in a productive, generating heat for the cause "friction" and an ongoing conversation knowledge to develop this special time task.

My career
I myself am already grown up in a household where the so far not connected to Anthroposophy, but very interested parents of two Waldorf students had subscribed to the magazine from the 70s. So I am familiar with a sense of youth at times with the "Three" as a monthly publication. In Berlin in September 1955 Born and raised helped the "happy" circumstance of a speech delay my visit to the Rudolf Steiner School in Dahlem. Towards the end of school and out of political involvement began with my editorial work a school paper, first locally and then internationally for the German and European Waldorf students and former students. These employment and movement of large, self-organized youth conferences brought more intensive and independent Study of anthroposophy and the Section for the Spiritual Striving of Youth (with her then-manager Jörgen Smit) - parallel to a speedy studying economics, journalism and law at the Free University of Berlin.

During the final examination time came a call from Manfred Leist (Association of Waldorf Schools) to Stuttgart for editorial participation in the journal Waldorf Education and build the International Aid Fund Friends of Waldorf Education (1979 to 1985). The family brought up with my wife Claudia Graham-Wittich me then end 1985 a national educational initiative to Frankfurt, the Free education institution of the Court Niederursel. Here I am still part time in the leadership of this diverse and active from 2011 soon intercultural district initiative with a focus on early childhood education.

But the magazine did not release me, so I took over with the year 1989, the quarterly journal releases from the anthroposophical work in Germany (now Anthroposophy), in their editorial, I still Jost Schieren ( principal responsibility) and Manfred Krüger work together. The need for a monthly newsletter within the anthroposophical movement in 1998 led me to stimulate and co-founder of anthroposophy world which are in German and English about 30,000 of the nearly 50,000 members of the Anthroposophical Society reaches worldwide. These projects account for another part of my daily work.

The responsibilities in the anthroposophical magazine landscape resulted from the 1992 election to the Board of Anthroposophical Society in Germany, which I belong since then and today in addition to responsibility for the area of publications held by that post of Treasurer. In this respect, to accompany me has always been the journalistic and financial issues, what's good for the task of the editor of the magazine "The Three" fits.

Now I'm looking forward to working with the able editors - and maybe we see us Lesertag the magazine with the motto: take "Rudolf Steiner" on Saturday, 5 February 2011, in Stuttgart Rudolf Steiner House.
Justus Wittich '
Zo kom al heel wat ever sea te beting over de ontwikkelingen van de verschillende publiciteitskanalen van de Vereniging Antroposofische. Goed, weer terug naar de nieuwe 'Anthroposophy Worldwide'. It is also an article by Ron Dunselman, the chairman of the Anthroposophical Society in the Netherlands, 'Becoming More Awake to What Is Before Us', subtitled' Netherlands: Looking Ahead to the 2011 Sesquicentennial Rudolf Steiner. I never knew that word, it must '150e "mean. Dunselman writes
"The Sesquicentennial of Rudolf Steiner's birth HAS led to a number of Initiatives That are listed on the www.Rudolf-Steiner-2011.com website. Ron Dunselman, General Secretary of the Anthroposophical Society in the Netherlands describes some of the Dutch plans for the commemoration, among themself are a presentation of research results, and practical work.

The sesquicentennial of Rudolf Steiner’s birth will be celebrated at the end of February—and that event offers us an opportunity to think about his original intention. What did Rudolf Steiner want? In one of his letters he an­swers this question himself: he wanted to draw on the power that would make it possible for him to put the spiritual pupil on the path to development. This can happen through anthroposophy as “a path of knowledge that would lead the spiritual in the human being to the spiritual in the universe.” (GA 26) This cel­ebration will offer each of us a chance to join Rudolf Steiner in the pursuit of this anthroposophical impulse.

Letting Life Approach Us

Anthroposophy in our time cannot be based on doctrines and externalities. Every spark of anthroposophy is won in­wardly, is created anew out of the great­est possible human freedom. If we are to experience and live out the destiny of our age—with all its good elements, but also with its strong, self-referential materialism—we need to plant a seed that will bring renewed vigor to our in­dividual and cultural-social life, a life in which “heaven and earth” meet, in which spirit and soul can breathe, and in which we are able to recognize ourselves as human beings, as spiritual beings, as a part of something larger, the “spiritual in the universe.”

Work on this seed requires courage and a readiness to accept what we meet in this life. Spiritual-scientific knowledge can help in absorbing and handling the life experiences that may arise as we travel the path of development. It will be different for everyone, but it will always be new, personal, and authentic for each of us.

Imagination, Inspiration, Intuition

Today we often hear concerns voiced about a watering-down in the anthropo­sophical professions because an increas­ing number of non-anthroposophists are becoming involved there. They are attracted by the human atmosphere, the warmth, the caring quality, and the attention that students, patients, and resi­dents receive in many anthroposophical institutions. I see this phenomenon dif­ferently. Isn’t it wonderful that so many individuals are inwardly driven—often out of their own heart forces—to make their contribution within these institutions? Much is already being done to assist these individuals through school­ing in their institutions, courses, peer as­sistance, workshops on meditation, and training in national professional associa­tions. There are also new possibilities to be found through cooperative work with the various Sections of the School for Spiritual Science.

2007 saw the beginnings of the re­search project “Imagination, Inspiration, Intuition” in Holland. Initiated by the Council of the Anthroposophical Soci­ety in the Netherlands, it examines the “what, how, and why” of spiritual-scien­tific research. The Anthroposophical Society in the Netherlands hopes to stimu­late this work among many profession­als. This year, the sesquicentennial ini­tiative group (in collaboration with the research group) will present its research results to the Anthroposophical Society, the anthroposophical movement, and the public. This is ground-breaking research that may provide an impetus for a change of paradigm in scientific research methodology. The authors, Erik Baars, Guus van der Bie, Arie Bos, Auke van der Meij and Edmond Schoorel (working with Pim Blomaard and Machteld Huber in the initial phase) describe what their years of research produced. They found that the spiritual-scientific realms of imagination, inspiriation, and intuition lead to verifiable and fruitful insights, and thus they fill out, expand, and enrich our picture of reality.

The book contains many practical ex­ercises to develop the reader’s capacity for imagination, inspiration, and intu­ition. It is also a real “how-to” book that can “place the spiritual pupil on the path of development.” In 2011 the Anthropo­sophical Society in the Netherlands will present this book to the public.


A second highlight for the sesquicen­tennial year is the meditation conference (“When Knowing Becomes Love”) with Arthur Zajonc; it will be held in Drieber­gen (Netherlands) on May 20–21. The conference is open to anyone with an interest in anthroposophical meditation (and who isn’t interested in meditation today?), but it is also directed to peo­ple who work in the anthroposophical movement. In Meditation as Contempla­tive Inquiry Zajonc describes meditation as a path to knowledge and love. He out­lines the goal of the conference as fol­lows: “The attention we give to a child who is struggling at school, or the atten­tion we offer to an elderly person near the end of life, or the attention we give to the fruitful earth that we farm, or, finally, the attention we direct to ourselves—all these occasions of attention can reach far beyond simple noticing. When we turn to another human being and give our complete attention, without judg­ment or expectation, then our attention itself becomes love. Throughout life, in all its stages and with all its demands, we can become ever more awake to what is before us, and so act with greater com­passion and skill.”

Karma and Reincarnation

With Arthur Zajonc’s words “what is before us” we come to the theme of karma and reincarnation, a theme inex­tricably bound up with Rudolf Steiner’s life and work. Anthroposophy is unthink­able without extending our view beyond the limits of birth and death. This is an expansion of consciousness that more and more people are experiencing, one that turns the question of destiny into an existential task. Who is directing things here? Who brings me together with a certain event so that “reading” this pro­cess becomes a moment for self-knowl­edge and takes me further along my path of development?

The working conference “Christ, Lord of Karma” will be held on October 1. It is directed to a broad audience and will offer practical work on finding modern insights into the Mystery of how the etheric Christ comes to expression in our time. How can we become aware of the Christ impulse as a reality that creates and orders karma and would unite the spiritual in the human being with the spiritual in the cosmos?

It is my heartfelt hope that what Ru­dolf Steiner gave the world will become better known, better understood, and more widely applied during this sesqui­centennial year. There is a wonderful indication of that potential in a second working conference where a number of younger people will gather to take up the question of what “practical ideal­ism” means for our time and the com­ing generation. This conference will be a further support for the sesquicentennial goal described at the beginning of this article. There are many individuals who feel that their interests are addressed through practical ideals.

I am hopeful that 2011 will be a year when we can do better in many areas, a year when anthroposophical meditation is practiced more and more, and also a year in which we deepen our knowledge about the workings of karma and rein­carnation so that we can come closer to the Mystery of Christ as the lord of karma.

Ron Dunselman, Meppel (Neth­erlands)

Translated from the Dutch into German by Sebastian Jüngel.
Source: Motief, February 2011.
Arthur Zajonc, Meditation as Contemplative Inquiry: When Knowing Becomes Love, Lindis­farne Books, 220 pages, $22.00.
Meditation Conference: When Knowing Be­comes Love, May 20–21, Antropia, Driebergen (Netherlands).
Working Conference: Christ, Lord of Karma, October 1, Antropia, Driebergen (Netherlands)
Working Conference on practical idealism, TBA
Contact for Conferences: Antroposofische Vereniging in Niederland, Sekretariaat, Boslaan 15, 3701 CH, Zeist, Netherlands. Tel.+31/030/691 82 16. E-mail: secretariaat@antrop-ver.nl.’
And another article I would like to highlight. It's about a subject that was also extensively discussed on December 16, 2010 in "Acts " there is actually a sequel to. I did an article back in "Anthroposophy Worldwide", No. 1910 of 3 December 2010, the deplorable financial condition of the General Anthroposophical Society:
"Now it is all about opening article" The Situation at the Goetheanum. Situation, Development and Decisions ", by the full Executive Council signed: Virginia Sease, Paul Mackay, Bodo von Plato, Sergei Prokofieff, Cornelius Pietzner and Seija Zimmermann. They write the following:
"Dear Members

At the beginning of November we have a gift Which letter overview of the trials at the present time enforcement are a deep affect on the human and spiritual essence of the Goetheanum. We must Outlined the important budget figures and Indicated The Possibility of significant changes. Now we Would like to take the opportunity to report in more detail about the present situation, the Underlying Reasons and the Decisions made so far. "
One of the measures is the creation of a distinct Goetheanum Foundation, and this is the This new report 'Further Developments',' Switzerland: Goetheanum Foundation’, ondertekend door Cornelius Pietzner:
‘During the past months, the Goethea­num Foundation has clarified several key questions through discussions with Gen­eral Secretaries and members

Question: Why is the Goetheanum Founda­tion necessary?
Answer: The Goetheanum needs to broaden its donor base. Major projects must be under­taken without further delay. The Foundation’s goal is to support the Goetheanum by ap­proaching two target groups not yet reached: non-anthroposophical foundations and indi­viduals interested in but not directly associ­ated with the Anthroposophical Society. The Treasurer’s job has not allowed for this de­velopment work in the past. The Foundation will provide no ongoing operating support, but help with key special projects such as the renovation to the slate roof, cement exterior walls and exterior terrace of the Goetheanum.

Question: Why the name “Goetheanum Foundation”?
Answer: The foundation is explicitly intended to support the Goetheanum, which is well known outside the Anthroposophical Society. It is intended as an instrument for the Goethe­anum. Therefore it is logical and appropriate to carry the name “Goetheanum.” The Founda­tion is “controlled” by the Society’s Executive Council in three essential ways: through its by­laws (the Council appoints Foundation Board members, and has the authority to remove Board members from the Foundation); two current members of the Council will serve on the Board of the Foundation (Sergei Prokofieff and Paul Mackay) as well as one former (after April 2011) member of the Council (Cornelius Pietzner); the Council owns the trademark to the name “Goetheanum” and will regulate this with the Foundation through a separate contract. These measures guarantee the full integrity of the name “Goetheanum.”

Question: Will the Goetheanum Foundation be involved with the social impact investment written about fund EARLIER?
Answer: No. . During many IT Discussions Became Clear That this was a significant factor and not complicate Desired. Decided it was to separate the impact of social fund from the Foundation. The Goetheanum Foundation does not, and not to compromise, have a connection to the social impact of investment fund.
Pietzner Cornelius'
Now, that's enough back here (more or less internal) affairs of the Anthroposophical Society, I think.


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